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This is what is missing in 10x

Jim Kallinen

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I have REXPlane for v9 and loved it dearly, they never brought out a version of 10. If they did that then this thread would never have started, maybe the devs of REXPlane are reading this and are getting the hint?




Andy - Give us REXPlane clouds for v10!!!!


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I think this fundamental switch to 64 bit is going to open up a lot of avenues for people to use to expand this.  I think once its tweaked and done they'll work on improving the long list of broad things that need improving such as color, clouds, wind, atc, autogen and updating wed to be a little more detailed to include visualizing more. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

if i'm not mistaken, I think rex9 was released when xp9 was completed....no beta.  REX devs did mention last year that they might consider a ver.10 when the beta cycle is over.

Hope they do it.

Never used it on X-Plane, but using on FSX completely changes the SIM, probably will be something awesome to see on XP10.  :D

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IMHO REX developers made a significant mistake releasing only for windows, excluding themselves from the largest portion of X-Plane users and potential customer. First their product came out just as the XP10 started to be developed and yes there are some XP10 windows users but, REXtreme is not compatible with XP10 missing yet another portion of the growing market. After all X-Plane is a multi platform simulator and who ever develops and want to take a piece of the market should release only when full support is available.

REXtreme for XP10 for windows mac and linux or something like this that would be really nice: http://sundog-soft.c...time-3d-clouds/I would pay just as much I payed for X-Plane to have beautiful realistic skies. After all  that's where I do all my flying. And that is something really missing in XP10, when it rains over the last layer of clouds just kills it for me. there's a loot of room for improvement there and developers should exploit that niche.


I don't know why they took the infinite zoom out form the external view in XP10 I miss that too along with horizon to horizon view of the world. Flying over FL300 sucks there is no could coverage and all you can see is a blur.


Water class. same as land class, turquoise waters with visible reefs in costal waters, braking waves in beaches, etc. Same as with the sky perhaps someone could develop an upgrade in this regard if not Laminar themselves.

Edited by scubajuan_new
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Try this cloud set out.  They look amazing in xplane 10.







These have become my favorite set.  For those who have the GPU horsepower to run the 4K textures, you might also want to obtain the cirrus patch.  It is not required if using the 2k textures here.

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Seems to be a bit of that going around...   :D

Sadly, as like Cameron said i got banned.

15 years using internet, first time i got banned on a Forum was this year, actually just a few days ago  :lol: 

 Lets just say a dictatorship enviroment is not for me.  ;)


Glad im here on X-Pilot. Friendly enviroment, nice people to have some nice conversations, thats what i was looking for when i was searching for an X-Plane community.



 EDIT: Just forgot about the topic.  :lol:

Tried the Skymaxx and cloudmaxx mods, i haven't noticed a big impact on the visuals, i need to pay more attention on next flights to say something more accurate, but nice thing is that it is completely FPS friendly, i got no FPS drops and it "looks" better, i'll confirm that later.

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