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What's in this Falco anyhow?


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Tired of workin'..late night blog:

You may recall the picture of the falco cockpit I have on the front page of x-scenery.com.  Contrast it with the one seen here, and you'll note all sorts of goodies that will be "up and coming" in 2010.  I have spent the better part of the year working on a foundation of techniques and systems to speed up the process of development.  The MU-2 was such a exasperating experience to finish up, I knew I had to standardize methods and find ways to reuse the things I'd already done.  I can't tell you how many times I've modeled the same entity for each new project.

Well I'm quickly nearing a major milestone in my developer tools that I hope to finally capitalize on and finish up some projects.  It's easy enough to keep moving on stuff you know and worry about the stuff you don't later...crossing those bridges when you get to them.  I crossed too many of those bridges on the MU-2 to ever want to do that again.

So the most prominent development has been a plug-in template with a deep tool-set (at least to me it is)for programming whatever I may need in short order.  The MU-2 had over 100 manipulators...some tied to default datarefs and others tied to custom ones.  Testing those required lots of exporting from blender...and every export from blender meant about an hour of hand editing the exported object file towards the end of the project.

This new code template allows me to separate the manipulators from their functionality.  I set up a complete cockpit with "empty" datarefs and animate the whole sha-bang.  The plugin code has "holes" or "hooks" for the logic to be programmed later.  I simply read in the position of all knobs, buttons, switches, whatever and then code in whatever I need to.  This saves me the hassle of hand editing, exporting and testing repeatedly.  It's much quicker to compile a new plugin and reload the aircraft than to reboot x-plane.

So what does that have to do with this Falco anyhow?  Well all those techniques are getting tested on this guinea pig...which will go out as freeware when done.  What you see in this project is what will be in future products and also what the MU2 will evolve to.

Firstly, the instruments don't have that funky bright and uniform look.  This is from using ATTR_cockpit_region in the object file.  Doing so makes the instruments receptive to the new lighting algorithms.  You'll also note the 3D attitude indicator and HSI.  This is the HSI from the MU2, but the Attitude indicator was developed for the MU2 and will get back in that cockpit eventually. 

There's an additional fuse panel with 8 fuses.  Why put in more fuses?  Well because I'm working on complete electrical simulation, including the fuses..and I'll need the practice dealing with so many circuits by the time I put this into the MU2 simulation as well as other future stuff.  The 3D looks the same, but there's a lot more brawn behind the stuff now.  Fuses can trip, the alternator can be overloaded and eventually (some unknown time in the future), you'll see failures where you'll have to diagnose the problem from symptoms.

The Garmin GTX transponder is almost fully functional now..and will be fully functional by the times its released.  How functional?  "Go to garmin's website and download the manual " functional.  The next thing to try and hash out are custom sounds.  Thanks to Ben Supnik for providing a file loader.  I just have to work through a few file file path issues, get acquainted with manipulating sounds, then hopefully we'll experience some cool stuff.

So 2010 is looking to be a good year of growth for x-plane...at least in the back half of 2010 as more momentum gets built.  I suppose one day I should get back to doing some scenery.


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Exciting stuff!  I've spent a few hours in the current Falco you've released and it's good stuff.  I know next to nothing about designing virtual planes, but I do know all about workflow and creating re-usable processes for future tasks, so looking forward to the time when all these background work pays off in your plane simulations.

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Hi Tom. I like your approach here. I am wondering if this technology will be proprietry or if it will be available to other developers to speed their respective projects along. I myself have little knowledge of code, and would see something like this being very useful on my own project. No problem with keeping to yourself though! I understand not wanting to give away the gravy recipie. 

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Well the code is certainly proprietary..it represents a few years of experimentation and learning (moment of pause and thanks to Ben Sunpnik for his guidance............).  I will; however, consider collaborations with other developers on a royalty basis.

This would be of benefit to developers who need a programmer.  Now I am NOT as strong a programmer as many others.  My openGL and openAL (sound) skills are lacking and I intend to work on that later in the year; however, I can tell you that the system is designed to "pick up" after all the modeling and texturing has been completed..and before animations are begun. 

It does not HAVE to be this way, but when working with others who are doing the modeling, it represents the path of least resistance. 

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semi-bad news folks, I'm partially retracting my freeware offer.....I think I'm going to move a version of this Falco to the payware category...not this version as is, but it's progressing so fast and I keep sticking my best code and features in it that I'm reluctant to give it away at this high level....anticipating 14.00.

So what I anticipate doing is pretty much cleaning up things as they're seen in the screenshot above and make that the free version..which is quite feature laden.  Then the payware will go on to implement a fully working Garmin 330GTX,  much more detailed 3D aircraft and interior....fully functioning radios and ADF with perfect manipulator knobs.  What does that mean, perfect manipulators??...it means no weird hotspots...grab the knob, move it to change stuff.  if you can get the tip of the cursor on the knob, you can grab that knob and move it.  

Sorry for the somewhat change of heart...but i will be providing a free version much further along than the current one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I decided to take about 7 days for myself to see how much of this Falco I can get done.  I'm about 3.5 days into it and have the exterior almost done...just some more texture tweaks.  next 3 days we'll see a new cabin and refined panel.  I'll be pushing for a release within 4 weeks....settled at $15.00.



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Wombat Boy, that ATTR_shiny_ratio I think is 0.5.

Nik,  That low canopy is called the "nustrini", named after the first pilot to develop and implement it.  I'm quite sure I will do a Nustrini canopy, but not necessarily for the initial release.  Once the plane is up and running and the 'more difficult' problems are taken care of, I'll do the Nustrini.

As a side note and a bit of background, I modeled this Falco as an stying exercise as I plan to begin building a Falco very soon.  Usually, the biggest decisions a Falco builder makes is the choice of engine and canopy.  The Nustrini, while definitely a much sleeker look, chops about 5-6 in. (14 cm) of headroom for the pilots.  The cockpit goes from one of the roomiest cockpits in it's class to one where you almost have to lean in to not hit your head.  I have ridden in the "tall canopy" model....in fact, this model is a replica of that Falco...


I too, like the look of the low canopy, but from the "inside" of the aircraft, the tall canopy is a class to itself in roominess and feel.  This particular Falco that I rode in was able to do 200 mph (322 kph) which is the goal I'll be shooting for as a builder.  If I can get 200 mph with the tall canopy, that'd be my preference.

So then, I modeled this x-plane version up as a way to play with the interior cockpit arrangment for the real thing...so that's why the tall cockpit is modeled first. 

As far as the 'Ferrari of the sky' goes, it certainly is as an Italian design, usually red paint, build quality and exclusivity, but not so much for speed anymore.  Lancairs, Glasairs, and a bunch of other's ones are certainly quicker, but for all around balance, the Falco is still considered one of the most joyous aircraft to fly.

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