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Another case of flight controls not working (not trim-related)

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it has happened several times now that the flight controls won't work when I check them. When I reload the plane they will work again. No idea why this is happening....

Very annoying indeed. It usually happens when all preflight checks have been performed and when I'm ready to taxi :-(

Edited by deniasol
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I have just found out what causes my flight controls to cease working: it's the dedicated avionics master switch on my Hotas Warthog throttle unit. As soon as I flip that switch, the flight controls will quit working because it also turns the auto pilot on and that deactivates the flight controls. I wonder why the DC3 panel does not have an avionics button. I'm thinking about adding one myself or will that void the support of the plane?

Edited by deniasol
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Modifications will void the support of the product. Please remember that this product will not be easy to edit something like this. A 3D program would be required, as Planemaker panels are not used here.

Modifications will void the support of the product. Please remember that this product will not be easy to edit something like this. A 3D program would be required, as Planemaker panels are not used here.

That's fair enough, Cameron. I know that it cannot be done with PlaneMaker but I promise not to mess with your plane.

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Still beats me why the avionics switch on my Warthog turns on the autopilot. It's a simple avionics on-off toggle switch....

We have absolutely no control over how your hardware is mapped. You'll need to take that one up with Laminar, or look into your advanced joystick button settings within X-Plane.

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I have just found out what causes my flight controls to cease working: it's the dedicated avionics master switch on my Hotas Warthog throttle unit. As soon as I flip that switch, the flight controls will quit working because it also turns the auto pilot on and that deactivates the flight controls. I wonder why the DC3 panel does not have an avionics button. I'm thinking about adding one myself or will that void the support of the plane?

The Avionics switch on this DC-3 is on the roof of the cockpit, right above the pilot.

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The Avionics switch on this DC-3 is on the roof of the cockpit, right above the pilot.

The Avionics switch on this DC-3 is on the roof of the cockpit, right above the pilot.

Thanks Goran. It's big enough not to be overlooked. I just assumed there was none ;-)

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