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First flying lesson!


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Not exactly flight sim related, but I wanted to know if anyone could tell me about their experience with their first flying lesson, or perhaps give me any advice, since my first flight lesson will be this sunday!

I've taken a few flights in GA planes before, but this is my first official lesson on my way to getting my PPL. If anyone was wondering, I am going to be training at East Coast Aero Club, at Hanscom Field (KBED) here in Massachusetts. And I will be training in a Piper Tomahawk.

Really excited to finally embark on my life's dream! awesomeipb.gif

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Try to relax. You'll fly it for a little while. Try not to give the yoke a death grip (Trust me...the first few times, everyone has an iron grip on the yoke when they hold it with one hand and the other hand is on the throttle.)

Instructors are there to help you. Not intimidate you. Ask questions. No question is a stupid question.

Based on the experience of many others that I know of, including me, DO NOT tell the instructor that you have flying experience in X Plane or FSX. That does not impress them. What knowledge you do have based on simming, use it as a supplement to what the instructor tells you.

Don't look at the panel and the gauges. You're not flying IFR. Look outside and kill 2 birds with 1 stone by enjoying the view as well as flying VFR. If you don't feel comfortable with anything, tell the instructor. He/she will take over the controls and you can then relax.

Don't panic. Have fun. Ask questions and you'll enjoy the experience.

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After my intro flight, my instructor asked if I had used a sim before because he said I knew my way around the cockpit and had a greater understanding of flying in general that most first time students. When I answered "yes, I have over 500 hrs in X-Plane" He said he thought that that had given me a tremendous head start. Although I still wouldn't mention it before a first flight unless asked. All in all X-P is a good thing to have while taking lessons. Keeps ya from getting rusty.


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After my intro flight, my instructor asked if I had used a sim before because he said I knew my way around the cockpit and had a greater understanding of flying in general that most first time students. When I answered "yes, I have over 500 hrs in X-Plane" He said he thought that that had given me a tremendous head start. Although I still wouldn't mention it before a first flight unless asked. All in all X-P is a good thing to have while taking lessons. Keeps ya from getting rusty.


My instructor also asked me the same question when we were back on the ground after the first lesson which I was proud of and I did say yes. Your very right that x-plane is a good tool to have while taking lessons. I have 1 lesson every 2 so as-well as doing my theory I like to go through my previous lesson in x-plane sometime before the next lesson.

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