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XP 10.10b1 Issues

Brian Plumb

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Just making some notes here - I know we are in beta for 10.10 but I figured I'd alert everyone to what I've seen with the CRJ:

1) N2 very slow to "spin up" when starting

2) Flipping the fuel switch at even 18% N1 will kick ITT up to around 1000 - no fire detected though (whew)

3) Oil Pressure high even at idle. At 83% N1 showing 163 PSI. Doesn't appear to hurt anything

4) Autopilot still funky when raising flaps - seen VS drop to under 0 ft/min

Flight model "feels" the same.


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1-3 confirmed. I've filed X-Plane bug reports for them, but I would stand by for at least 10.10 to go rc before changing anything in the CRJ about that. Otherwise we keep changing the parameters over and over again...

4. unsure about that. Did you try Javier's alternate pitch constant suggestions?

Edited by philipp
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CRJ-200 Ver 1.45 in XP10.10b1 on Win 7-64.

ADF1 works ok, but can't tune ADF2 to correct frequency using the FMS RADIO option, if I attempt to enter 328 kHz, XP10.10 or the CRJ enters it as 1328 kHz. Tried entering 0328, 328.00 and still dosn't work. But if I use the "Radio Control Unit" the frequency is displayed correctly.


Also ALT mode maybe having problems, but maybe "finger trouble" as she's a bit difficut to fly using the mouse!! (as my CH kit dosn't work in XP10.10, Chris think's he's sorted that problem in beta2 :) ).

Update: It's not a XP10.10b1 ADF problem!! It's the same under XP10.05r1 as well, if on the last CRJ flight there was a ADF2 frequency > 999 kHz for example 1280kHz, the "thousand digit 1" is stuck on the FMS RADIO display, as a work-around if you select a freq < 1000 using the "Radio Control Unit", then re-load the aircraft its ok, as long as you don't tune the FMS radio control to > 999 or it gets "stuck again".



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I did a few experiments with the oil pressure and starter. I'm very optimistic we'll have this working nicely again soon, but I won't publish anything until the 10.10 has an "r" for "release candidate" in the version string. Otherwise it's like hunting down a moving target.


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I´m having a graphical issue. With HDR on, when flying in rain, it looks strange. Additionally, there are no light visible at the runway when using wipers. If I use an exterior view, everything is fine. There must be something with the rain code that doesn´t work with the new hdr rendering




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