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YSSY Tiles - Crowdsourced Photoshopping

chris k

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Hi All Interested Parties,

As mentioned, I'd like to throw out all the PNGs that we're using in the YSSY scenery that need some Photoshop work done on them. Specifically we need the "aircraft images" removed. (tarmac areas, taxiways, etc.)

I suggest if you take a tile to work on, just post which one you're working on in this thread (so we don't duplicate effort). You can re-post the tile here, or (to save Cameron's Bandwidth), email me the completed image at ckawchuk at gmail dot com. The files are between 7Mb and 11Mb each.

The naming structure of the tiles are arranged in a grid:


15-2.png would be: Column 15 of the scenery, Row 2

If you need the adjoining tile above it (north), it would be 15-1.png

If you need the adjoining tile below it (south), it would be 15-3.png

If you need the adjoining tile to the left of it (west), it would be 14-2.png

If you need the adjoining tile to the right of it (east), it would be 16-2.png

Tiles can be found here:

Note: Only those tiles which need some touch-up work are listed. Other tiles are already "clean" (No Acft Images on them).

Thanks again to everyone willing to pitch in! Naturally, full credit will be given in every subsequent release until eternity.

....I can also arrange for Blueberry Pies to be delivered. =)

- Chris..... a.k.a The "Scenery Assembler" and Pie lover.

Edited by chris k
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It's important when you're working with these tiles that everyone makes sure they're saving the same way and working in the same color space; otherwise you'll end up with slight variations in color among the tiles... which would look a little odd.

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I've started 5-6. Photoshop reports colour space as sRGB IEC61966-2.1. (As long as we retouch only, avoid attempting colour corrections, and save in the original format, then it shouldn't matter ?)

Chris, Please confirm types of retouching expected:

  • remove planes?
  • remove cars & trucks?
  • remove trees & plants?
  • remove shadows?
  • remove edges of buildings?
  • remove light poles and other poles?
  • removed shipping containers and cranes?

Edited by Ropeless
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Chris, Please confirm types of retouching expected:

  • remove planes?
  • remove cars & trucks?
  • remove trees & plants?
  • remove shadows?
  • remove edges of buildings?
  • remove light poles and other poles?
  • removed shipping containers and cranes?

  • Planes - Yes; absolutely. =)
  • Jetways - Yes (If you could) - Looks kind of silly with a painted jetway on the ground. =) I'll put a real 3D Jetway in it's place.
  • Cars & Trucks - Not Necessary (I'll cover them with vehicles).
  • Trees & Plants - Not Necessary (I'll cover them with real trees/shrubbery). When the LOD culls the 3D Object, I'd still like the 'painted' object to show up this way.
  • Shadows - Not Necessary. Same as above.
  • Edges of Buildings - Not Necessary. Same as Above, plus I have Objects and Facades covering most of the building shadows as well.
  • Light Poles/Other Poles - Not Necessary. Very minor (I can hardly make them out on the originals. =)..)
  • Shipping Containers & Cranes - Yes, if you would. Some of the 40' ft containers don't quite line up.

As for RGB Space and Colour:

  • As mentioned, just Inherit whatever is in the native PNG. (I have already colour corrected the tiles and did some other contrast manipulation earlier in the process).
  • Do not change any Gamma Values.
  • Do not add an Alpha Channel.

Thanks all!

- CK.

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Thanks Simon! Got your Tile. Looks great!

Trampk88 - No additions. Just subtractions. =)

Kaphias - Good idea.! Thanks. Makes sense. I can do some re-correction if necessary (GfxConverter is my Pal). I had to do this with the NZCH tiles every now and then as we removed the aircraft images from those ones. Wasn't hard to re-correct. Mainly it was the stored Gamma value that got messed up (resulting in a 'washed out' look upon DDS conversion). A quick fix to the stored Gamma on my end of things fixed that.

Thanks to all! Wow. I can't believe the community response. Brings a tear to me eyes. =) Heheh.

- CK.

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Awesome work guys!!

done so far:





I have got your tiles now ready for the next update. I've also removed the un-touched tiles from the download area, so others dont work on them by mistake =)

If someone want s "small" one to work on, I suggest 12-11 (only one small acft image in it on a taxiway / only a small fix needed)

- CK.

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Awesome work guys.

Already have now done the DDS conversion and will have a Beta 0.3 up soon.

Yeah - thought 12-11 would be easy. =)

Some other should-be-easy-ones (for other lurkers who may or may not want to pitch in on some simple ones):

6-5 also only has 1 acft on it.

7-8 / 8-8 have two aircraft, no jetways, above concrete.

8-6 has 1 small acft on it.

- CK.

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Thanks Doctor!

Tom - Yeah, it's pretty cool to see what happens when like-minded people get together. (Hope you've shown the rest of the LR gang this thread. =)...)

Hoping that the new Airport submission system for WED 1.2 will allow this kind of cooperation on a global scale. Any sneak peeks/insights into how that's coming along? (I gave a rather large diatribe about global co-operation on the .org a few days ago...)

- CK.

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No word on how the automatic submission is coming along. There's lot of things being worked on for V10.10 and I have no idea where on their plate that is. For my part at the moment, I am using KATL as a R&D airport to diversify the library pieces. I'm making new pieces all the time....mostly new facades as they're the most flexible. When KATL is finished (hopefully this week), then the next update will contain a lot of the new facades. I also have to write a blog on "thinking in facade" because using them is a bit different than just placing buildings, especially since there's not preview of those just yet. Anyhow...here's a screenshot of KATL using nothing but library pieces...no custom stuff whatsoever.... so any user with WED and XP could make this once these new pieces are distributed. Better than an empty airport anyhow. The intention is to get them in before 10.10 ships....but if not, then I'll push for a small patch update when the pieces are ready. There is lots of quality control to be done with the library pieces yet.


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