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What would you like X-Plane to simulate?


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uhm…; planes? flight? :D

no, seriously, what we are missing are better scenery (industrial, cityscapes and so on), moving clouds, …generally more stuff to make it plausible. And all that with 64-bit version and perfomance tweaks (hdr, shadows) in order to be able to run it.

Edited by woweezowee
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Yeah, ^^that stuff. I think the other two major areas of scenery development need to be:

1) Seasonal changes in the terrain, especially for Winter effects at high and low latitudes and high elevations. It's boring to fly constantly in Summer.

2) Do something about the uniform drab water color. Coastal water should not look the same in the Florida Keys, Caribbean, or Mediterranean as it does in the Pacific Northwest. It would be nice to see tropical rivers with a typical brown color instead of blue also, but that's probably asking too much.

I think those are the two big ones, along with more believable cities. Personally, I'd also like to see better modeling of heavy weather, especially big anvil-head head thunderstorms in the distance that you have to steer around. The cloud modeling in v10 is much better now, but there's still a ways to go in modeling severe weather. Turbulence modeling also needs improvement, with more randomizing of the effect.

On the plane model side, I'm not a modeler so I don't know what the main concerns are in the flight model. There seem to be some issues with turbines not having accurate modeling, but again I'm not an expert there.

Actually, the *one* thing I'd really like to see on the plane side, is adoption of a set of uniform standards by aircraft designers for UI control of cockpit instruments. It's one thing to include a special manipulator for something unusual in a plane model, but everyone going their own way on basic things like how you tune a radio frequency, or input a GPS code, is not ideal. I shouldn't have to learn a unique UI for each separate plane model (outside of the special plane-specific stuff). If the designers can't agree on a common UI, then maybe it needs to be set as a top-down UI standard by Laminar?

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I think most versions of X-Plane have been so very nearly there in many ways - just small continual improvements will give us a truly great sim.

There's little that really bothers me, simulation wise. Ground handling can be irritating at times, but it's still an improvement over the polished-glass feel that MSFS has, and I do like the fact that the aircraft feel lively on takeoff and landing. Turbulence still bothersome, but these are minor things.

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1. Slider function to change colors of the dawn, dusk and day colors

2. Seasons like spring, autum, winter and summer

3. Better support for hatswitch view with both CH Products and Saitek (option to pan around in cockpit with hatswitch)

4. Better options for controlling the sensitivity in X-plane - Movements are purhaps realistic to real world, but it is not simulated correctly in regards to simulator (size vs real life) With heavy winds the plane is a duracel bunny on speed

5. Water colors based on geographical locations (better simulation of reefs and waves)

6. Remake of the FMC/FMS/CDU to integrate support for AIRAC navdata from i.e NAVIGRAPH

7. 64bit and DX11/12 support

Besides that, the sim i perfect and should not be messed with

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I would also like X-Plane to simulate a 64 bit processor.

We could watch visually as the electrons move through the gates.

Shall we say, a RISC processor? It should also model the heat... and change colours of the diodes inside to show the thermal temperature. That would be cool.

- CK. =)

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actually I would like to see a pre set panel so you could pick your aircraft and airport before loading . also the ability to send screenshots and videos to a folder of your choice . and Chris I would like to see virtual RF energy that way we could experiment high power microwaves on the Deer :ph34r: and remember Chris basic electronic therory Electrons dont move holes flow :lol:

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