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YSSY Sydney Airport Photo Scenery

chris k

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Mate I used to drive past this everyday to work for years. You have done an impressive job of the replication of how YSSY looks. Even down to the Maccas and the Petrol Station after the tunnel leading off the M5..

A fair effort, and big props to seeing it grow and grow.

Keep this baby steaming ahead.


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Hey Chris, I finally managed to reinstall my xp10 to my hard drive (that is so much fun!), more importantly I also downloaded this great scenery, well done to you and all the contributors! Heck it takes ages to download though. An initial quick tour impressed me. Fps was very good. Love the full carpark and the tower.

I still get the land filled ocean, is that my issue or your fix is yet to be issued? Ha, don't show it to any Sydney developers, it might give them ideas re. Landfill

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Thanks Simon! Yeah, my hoster is a little slow (since, well, it a buddy of mine's Sun box sitting on his desk back in Canada... and um.. it's free =)

Land filled Bay is a Laminar Thing. They need to re-cut the .DSF for that area. (Hopefully Andras/alpilotx is busy working on this somehow - maybe even with a 'HD Mesh' option). =)

I have tiles that extend all the way across the bay and into the shipping area. (Hence the ships Ive placed are in the right location). Again, once the re-cut DSF is there, the water will come out great, and the 'other side of the bay' should give the precise impression when on final to 34L/34R.

I have a Beta 0.3 somewhat ready to go now - (still have some tile cleanup to do over the next few days), and should be significantly smaller as Im cutting out unneeded orthos and downsampling un-important tiles from 2k x 2k into 1k x 1k or less.) Should help the dload times, and the VRAM usage. Stay Tuned!

- CK.

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Update - Beta 0.4 changes/additions/fixes:

- Water Alpahed out on rivers and the Bay. XP10 still shows grass, but this will be fixed when the .DSF is recut.

- Lots of under-the-hood work with Taxiways and markings (AI Craft work better now as well)

- Reworking many taxiway markings and contours. (this doesn't show but its there under the oath)

- More Tiles photoshopped (6-5, 6-6) from Dr. Ropeless!

- Countless Tweaks, optimizations, re-samplings, fixes, alignments done to various objects, tiles, etc...




^^ It's what you *dont* see that is interesting in these shots =)

File: DEPRECIATED - See Beta 0.45 Later in this Thread

Filesize: 197,974,965 bytes (Getting Smaller all the time - Another 40M of VRAM Saved from 0.3)

- CK.

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Beta 0.45 changes/additions/fixes:

- 4 New tiles IN ONE DAY! (2 from our photoshopping machine Ropeless, and 2 from a new helper fenriz!)

- Looks like people were busy this weekend! Decided to push an update on the Sunday night.

- Taxiway fixes/improvements/lights/edge markings/heliport bollards/heliport taxiways/parking edging

- Additional vegetation in DOM Cargo areas

- Additional East Apron buildings

- Additional Domestic Terminal buildings

- Extended north DOM terminal to connect with the southern one

- Fixed about 10 Taxi signs for content, size, and position.

- Fixed the DOM South area where taxi-signs and markings did not follow the newer orthoimagery.

- About 10 new fences, north side of the airfield.

- Custom Lines for parking outlines in East Apron

- 16L/34R area is done now, including edging, lighting, runway edging, and pavement markings.

- Many runway Edges removed where Taxiways join up (as in reality). Looks pretty cool from Altitude!

- Begun Various Tests w/AI Aircraft now for Flow.


May as well 'get it out there' as there was a-ton-o-work done by many in just 1 day!

File: Depreciated - See Beta 0.5 Below

File Size: 197,856,913 Bytes

- CK.

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Thanks John! It's a total labour of love at this point =)

YSSY Sydney Airport Photo Scenery Beta 0.5:

Build July 01, 2012

- 8 New Photoshopped Tiles (Thanks to both Fenriz and Ropeless!)

- Many Tiles Alpha'ed out to cut down VRAM

- Cut many tiles into 1024x512 or 256x512, or 2048x1024 as allowed by the scenery. Saved 20-30 Mb of VRAM!

- Optimized water tiles, cleaned up some speckling and shores

- DDSed some tiles which were using DXT5 instead of DXT1 compression

- Fixed up South Domestic Terminal to remove poorly textured lights. Replaced with my new lights below.

- New HDR Lighting (Made my own HDR lights instead of the built in XP10 ones) which look more like Sydney's actual lights.

- Container Yard Filled Out (let me know if this is FPS impacting too much - I can do the "selectable fill" based on rendering options here)

- Various Taxiway/Apron/Lighting/Line/Alignment fixes

- Fixed Harbour Bridge to line up with the M1/Pacific Highway.

- Added Construction Area mid-field near South Domestic (to make the place look lively/cluttered/busy as per Chip/Simon =)

- Additional taxiway work to assist AI. Still have not done the true XP10 AI paths yet.

- Filled out some more tree lines

- More Cars in what were empty parking Lots

- Additional Apron Lighting, Taxiway Edge Lighting

- Converted every object .PNG into .DDS to save load times and VRAM (5 Mb saved)

- Full imagery is now below 890 Mbytes when loaded at extreme resolution into VRAM. (Cmon' XP10_x64 =)..)


File: SEE BELOW FOR LINKS (Mediafire or Dropbox)

Size: 179,424,582 Bytes


- CK.

Edited by chris k
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YSSY Sydney Airport Photo Scenery Beta 0.6:

Build July 07, 2012

- Roads culled on East Apron and inner road north of RWY16 threshold

- New Tiles Photoshopped on East Apron (Ropeless!)

- Lots of new Yellow Taxiway Edging, still much more to do.

- Taxiway Hold Lights (3 lights) at Taxi Intersections (as in reality)

- Fixed Terminal Start positions for AI traffic - should start at Intl, then DOM, then Intl, then DOM, etc.

- Fixed High-speed Runway Exit Lighting on RWY25 (I was doing touch and go's on VATSIM one night, and couldn't figure out where to exit the runway when it was dark)

- Guard Barriers over M5 Tunnel

- Lighting height fixes/consistency

- Lots of Ramp Markings (White Hash Marks, experimenting with Striped/Zebra Marks instead - which look better)

- Red out-of-bounds markings at Intl and Cargo Terminals

- Various Taxiway Centreline Markings aligned/lit

- Adjustments of Forest Exclusion Zones

- Changed LOD of various objects, so they don't render past 1000m to save FPS (unnoticeable anyways at that distance)

- Probably forgot more items then I have remembered as I'm writing this update =)

I highly suggest using Jack's (FlyJSim's) "über-kewl" Asphalt replacement textures found here for proper runway effect:


I also suggest the Vehicle Library Extension found here, and crank up the 'Number of Cars". Looks great!


VRAM Usage:

XP10 runs around 890 Mb loaded at "extreme" resolution now - Getting better though. It was 1.2Gb before. =)

XP10 runs around 510-530 Mb of VRAM when loaded in XP10 with "very high". Suggest this setting for now.

Download via my Dropbox account: Depreciated - See Later in this thread

Mediafire link (courtesy of skyflyer!): Depreciated - See Later in this thread

File Size: 179,381,416 Bytes

- CK.

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Yeah - Dropbox gives me the link (to paste externally) before the file is actually synced to their servers - so there's usually a small delay.

Skyflyer's also greatly supporting us by mirroring it on his paid Mediafire account. (Thanks Sky!), get 5x the download speeds from his site vs mine. =)

Either one above should now work.

- CK.

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Well, each weekend I do a ".1" increment.

....we're at 0.6, so I guess I have 4 more weekends to get it right...! Hah

Basically, It'll be done when it's done. Shouldn't be too much longer. Each change is simply an updated version of the previous one as we work towards something that doesnt look too bad.

- CK.

from the readme:


- Ramps need much detail, markings, and 'clutter'

- Light stands glow in the dark, need to adjust the textures for brightness

- Service Vehicle Roads need overlaying of proper markings, stops, yields, etc.

- Taxiway Edge Markings and Centrelines are not aligned to the ortho (In progress - Fixing)

- Some orthos optimized (1kx1k, vs 2kx2k DDSs), but can bring this down further by cutting more.

- Orthos contain aircraft Images (In Progress - Ropeless is leading the photoshopping charge!)

- No Water in Botany Bay - Laminar needs recut the .DSF tile in a future Base-Scenery Update (Hi Alpilotx! If you're gonna do it, do it soon, pls! =))

- Certain Buildings are simply "stand ins" until I get better objects (i.e. "Delta Hangar", and "USPS Post Office" - should be Australia POST for example)

- Glideslope towers and ILSs need alignment from the master database to line up with the scenery

- Basically, Sydney moved the GS towers slightly over the years.. you can see where they used to be on the orthos

- Attached changes-to-navaids.txt has the new locations I need to submit to Robin

- You can change them manually if you want them to line up - It's a cosmetic change only.

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Simon/Chip: Is this enough clutter / busy enough for ya? =)


Click for slightly Higer-Res


Click for slightly Higer-Res


Click for slightly Higer-Res

"I’ve been using this flight simulator called X-Plane 10 – one of its cool features: it serves as a visualizer for WED 1.2 scenery"

Ben Supnik
, Graphics Lead for Laminar Research and X-Plane 10

- CK.

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