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YSSY Sydney Airport Photo Scenery

chris k

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I've never been too bothered with installing Scenery because I've never considered in up to scratch with the planes--What I've just been looking at is really something else--strewth, fantastic, well done those responsible thats the 'Bo###cks alright!!'

(Nice to see the rendering of Sydney Bridge--Kissed my first girl on that as a 16 year old Merchant Seaman 49 years ago :wub: )

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At it again Chris? Trying to pass off a photo as your scenery work? Shame on you!

Yah... I know...

You caught me - I'm just taking stock photos from elsewhere and adding that XP10 "fps//f-sim/f-act" Banner to make it look like it's an XP10 screenshot.. like this:


However, you must admit, it really makes things go sooo much faster when posting updates...!

p.s. Pls Ignore the lighting. I have it set low w/overcast clouds so I can see/test the HDR lighting during the day. However, it's perfectly fine for Simon, if you want to give it to Chip for posting to the xplane10blog (as it's already at the required brightness level..! =) -grin-)






^^ Tom, you might recognize this object. However, this isn't exported into the standard lib/g10/ library tree. Any way to get it into the next library EXPORT? I'd love to use it.


^^ ooo! I finally figured out how to use the "Pick Walls" function for facades as part of WED1.2



^^ Dang! No place to park today.


^^ Adding .agp objects now

Still got a lot more lighting work to do, as well as vegetation. Sydney's airport is quite 'Tree Filled' on all the boulevards (being a warm climate and all..). The In-Laws are coming over for the Ester Long Weekend, so not much time to work on this for the next few days. =)

- CK.

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One question chris, I see that you have used the photo textures for taxiways and ramps but not for the runway. Why is that ?

Heh, Actually, that's more of a development bug for now - I've made the taxiways transparent currently so I can line the edges up with the orthophoto. (else I cant see through the pavement so to speak). I don't know if I want to do the same trick as I did with NZCH in terms of taxiways under the ortho, or taxiways+runways under the ortho yet.

The kicker is that the runways really need to be at the top-most resolution to look good. (i.e. extreme res / either with or without compression); else they end up looking pretty poor/blocky. The taxiways I can 'get away with' at a lower res, since the edge and centrelines are re-drawn on top of the texture, so they still remain crisp and sharp at lower res.

I'll experiment with both methods as I get closer to a release candidate and get some time to clean up the rest of the taxiway markings. The original images I have used here are native 15cm resolution; which look really good.

I may even make it 'user selectable' via different .pol files like in the NCH scenery (i.e want default runways? use these .pols .. want photo runways? use these .pol's, etc);

- CK.

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I may even make it 'user selectable' via different .pol files like in the NCH scenery (i.e want default runways? use these .pols .. want photo runways? use these .pol's, etc);

Will be a great option Chris. With my current specs, I have no worries for the texture resolution. High-end spec users like me can select the photo runways while the low-end spec users can select the default ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chris I can't wait till your yssy is up and running. It looks absolutely brilliant. I fly in and out of there a lot with vatsim, and i always need to have a map handy for the correct taxiways.....but you have them marked!

I'm curious as to how you managed to get botany bay back in your screenshots.

Anyway when you're ready I'll happily beta test.

Cheers, Justin.

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- Runway Bollards, Huts, More Ground Clutter..... (Thanks Sethius and HenryT for the objects!)

- Realigned the runways precisely with the ortho.

- Lots more XP10 lighting

- Rec park

- Redid radar station







I'm using Jack's awesome asphalt replacement hi-res textures - Highly recommended for this!






- CK.

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Agreed Cameron,

I think this may be released under some kind of "X-Pilot.com" Banner =). (In fact, I have some advertising billboards which I could plaster the x-pilot logo on, and 'conveniently place' them on existing advert billboards which are just outside the YSSY airport as in real life).

.. Already had an idea for one, which says to "Visit Beautiful NZCH...." w/some appropriate screenshots. -grin-

I am really appreciating the community help here. It's amazing what happens when you get a good group of talented people together for a common goal.

- CK.

airfighter, I remember OlaHaldor posted one earlier in hi-res. Aha, found it:


I'll keep google searching for "sydney airport control tower" and see if I can find some more...

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Clutter in the Vertical Plane helps fill things out. Sethius and HenryT have been helping with some great SketchUp Objects.!


(click image for fullscreen)

Ignore the ground resolution. It's at 1/4 the full res (so it loads fast while doing testing).

- CK.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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