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Cannot launch the CRJ 200


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There is some stray plugin in your plugins folder that doesn't belong there. You have a file named win.xpl under Resources/plugins. That's not supposed to be there! Because if it is called win.xpl as opposed to some_cool_plugin.xpl means that it is a plugin of fat architecture, which belongs to some folder. Either a folder under Resources/plugins, or a particular aircraft.

I have no idea why you put this file there or what it does, but before we can start investigating anything else, this problem must be solved. Move this file out of Resources/plugins, and later you can try to find out where it really belongs.


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Nononono! You are not supposed to delete PluginAdmin/win.xpl ! Because this is part of X-Plane which makes all other plugins work!

You just destroyed your X-Plane installation. Run the X-Plane updater to bring PLuginAdmin back.

I am talking about the win.xpl that is in Resources/plugins/ in NO SUBFOLDER.


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The win.xpl is Xassign from Barbarossa. I have deleted it and reinstall as Cameron have suggested

Now i can enter in the cockpit of the CRJ, but as some others pilots, i have CTD using the fms. I enjoy the 1.3, waiting patiently a new realease.

After a crash, a new launch of X plane ( 9 ) sit me in the last aicraft choosen before the crj. For me the default cessna,

Edited by birdy.dma
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Can you do us a favor...I recognized this with another customer earlier...

Can you go into your Resources/Plugins/ folder and see if vascore is in there? If it's not, this is good. Just double checking.

The installer should have deleted this, and the CRJ should tell you if it's present when it shouldn't be, but we did have one customer who was not alerted and found this folder. When deleted, his crashes went away.

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