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XP10.03 Beta 7 is out

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X-Plane 10.03 Beta 7


  • Fixed bug sometimes causing the wrong controller to be assigned during a taxi reroute (gnd vs twr)
  • Fixed bug preventing Delivery from giving clearances to people who were given gate holds for weather.
  • Runway Flow changes less unstable
  • AI Flies Plane now picks less silly destinations
  • ATC works properly with --no_sound options now
  • File Flight Plan menu item now properly disabled when necessary

  • No more seeing the inside of the clouds
  • No more seeing stars from inside the clouds
  • More (minor) frame-rate improvements
  • Weapons now move with wing flex
  • Wing flex a hair faster and titer
  • More runways displayed in the map, if there is room based on your texture resolution
  • Replay mode shows properly in IOS
  • 172 starter dialed down a hair
  • A little more room for airport data in the low enroute map when you click on an airport... leaves room for frequencies with longer descriptions
  • When you create a navaid in the editing screen in the map page, you CAN see that navaid, making it easier to edit
  • Tire puffs from other planes should always be at right elevation

  • Custom prop discs aren't used for AI planes
  • Slight speed improvement when world level of detail is turned down and autogen is turned up

For this build, if you are running a 32-bit version of Windows and have not set up your computer to allow 3 GB of virtual memory per process, X-Plane will detect the virtual memory limit and suggest this page: Running_Out_of_Memory

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