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ice-accumulation and impossible to take off

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Hi there

I wanted to take off during snowy/icy conditions and there seems to be a problem. Because of the ice-accumulation, the weight of the aircraft was so high, that it was impossible to lift off. And as far as i know there is no option to de-ice the acf before take off? So my question is: what can we do to take off safely during such conditions?

I saw that this was already an issue years ago:


Edited by frankbyte
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On 11/12/2023 at 1:22 PM, Litjan said:

You can use the default X-Plane option to "spray" ant-ice fluid onto your aircraft to protect it from icing while on the ground.

Hi again. I tried that function (under "weight & balance") and gave 20 minutes under "Holdover Time (Ground de-icing)" and clicked "done". But unfortunately it had no impact...the weight of the aircraft kept increasing right after applying that function. I also tried the flywithLua-script "icing simulator" that should work with XP12 but that didn't work as well.

The only way i could get rid of that ice/snow was to press a few times the "GRD TEST" of the wing-anti-ice until the datarefs "lwing/rwing" went back to zero.

Do you think you could explain a bit much in depth what we have to do exactly? Perhaps demonstrating it in a short video?

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7 hours ago, Litjan said:

I just tried and adding a hold-over time totally and completely stops (and removes existing) all ice accumulation on my aircraft.

Hmmm...does it really completely stop? What i saw is that it resets the actual ice (based on the value lwing and rwing) but then it starts building up again immediately after having applied it. Perhaps it is possible that it builds up slowlier but it doesn't stop. Are you sure that on your side it does completely stop buidling-up during the time you entered? Which dataset do you use to check that? But if that was really the case, I would have to fill a bug-report to Laminar. I am just surprised why it works differently on your side. I'm using the latest beta 12.0.8b1. Thanks again.

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Yep, tried on the latest beta 1...or maybe it was actually beta 2 when I tried today. B)

And yes, it completely set all icing to zero and prevented any further buildup. I used the DATA OUT values that you can find with "ice" in the search box and also the "weights" field (it shows how much ice weight the plane has).

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34 minutes ago, Litjan said:

Yep, tried on the latest beta 1...or maybe it was actually beta 2 when I tried today. B)

And yes, it completely set all icing to zero and prevented any further buildup. I used the DATA OUT values that you can find with "ice" in the search box and also the "weights" field (it shows how much ice weight the plane has).

Thank you. That's weird....i'm using the DATA OUT "ice accretion 2" and made a quick movie to show you. You will see that after applying the function, both the lwing and rwing start increasing again and also the weight of the B733:

At the start there is already some amount having built up, you can see this in the last line on the top-left corner. Do you think this could be something I should report to Laminar?

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