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Bad FMS Format Error


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  Hello, I am trying to import an FMS file by using the Read Disk feature of the CL650. I am using Little Navmap to export to the XP11 fms format.

When I select the fms route through the Read Disk page, I get a Bad Parse error.

I checked the log file and it says:

Bad FMS format: malformed line 4.

Does the CL650 not read Little Navmap's format or do I need to use a different format?



                                                               Alan Johnston

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 I just tried using your method by selecting Export to X-plane 11/12 format from the File menu (usually I use the export key shortcut).  Still no luck.


                                                                                                       Alan Johnston

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1 hour ago, AC90 said:


 I just tried using your method by selecting Export to X-plane 11/12 format from the File menu (usually I use the export key shortcut).  Still no luck.


                                                                                                       Alan Johnston

Please send me your LNMPLN and FMS files. Thanks!

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 Ok, here is both files.  I used your method of using the File Menu's Save as 11/12 format.



                                                                                       Alan Johnston

IFR Myrtle Beach Intl (KMYR) to Key West Intl (KEYW).lnmpln KMYR-KEYW.fms

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6 hours ago, AC90 said:


 Ok, here is both files.  I used your method of using the File Menu's Save as 11/12 format.



                                                                                       Alan Johnston

IFR Myrtle Beach Intl (KMYR) to Key West Intl (KEYW).lnmpln 1.47 kB · 0 downloads KMYR-KEYW.fms 195 B · 1 download

So interestingly LittleNavMap seems to have generated invalid v11 .fms files.

The departure and arrival blocks should read


Since they are both airports. LNM used `DEP` and `DES`, which are reserved for flight plans that begin or end at waypoints (fix/VOR/NDB/what have you).

Might be worth letting the LittleNavMap devs know!

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6 hours ago, AC90 said:


 Ok, here is both files.  I used your method of using the File Menu's Save as 11/12 format.



                                                                                       Alan Johnston

IFR Myrtle Beach Intl (KMYR) to Key West Intl (KEYW).lnmpln 1.47 kB · 0 downloads KMYR-KEYW.fms 195 B · 2 downloads

Make sure LNM has its scenery database updated from X-Plane?

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19 hours ago, AC90 said:

 I'm using 2.8.10 64 bit.  I always keep it updated.


                                  Alan Johnston


Try updating to 2.8.11 when it’s released, there was some recent improvements in this area.

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11 hours ago, AC90 said:


 Ok, here is both files.  I used your method of using the File Menu's Save as 11/12 format.



                                                                                       Alan Johnston

IFR Myrtle Beach Intl (KMYR) to Key West Intl (KEYW).lnmpln 1.47 kB · 2 downloads KMYR-KEYW.fms 195 B · 4 downloads

When I load this flight plan in LNM (same version as you), and then export it for X-Plane I get an FMS file that's correctly formatted, different from yours. So, I can only conclude there's something in your LNM settings or setup that's changing its behaviour to be suboptimal.

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  Holy smokes, I got it working thanks to your suggestion.  I reupdated the Scenery in Little Navmap and it popped up a window asking if I wanted to change a setting involving the NAVIGRAPH use.  I think what the problem was, I didn't update the Navigraph data before I loaded the X-Plane scenery in Little Navmap.  I really appreciate the help on this thanks!


                                                                                                          Alan Johnston


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