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Wing icing effects

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Hi, any chance  to be including in this outstanding bird the new laminar wing edge icing accumulation effects? Taking account that those are a common issue in turboprops and many devs like aerobask, airfoillabs, torquesim, etc already added those effects in their latest products.

Would be really awesome and necessary in a turboprop 

Thanks and take care!!




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45 minutes ago, Raúl Aubele said:

Would be really awesome and necessary in a turboprop 

I'll definitely be putting in something for sure.  Again, step 1 is get my IXEG customers in the air in V12 and then the "fun stuff" will begin...like this ice and wing flex for the MU2.    Note that not all product's ice effects may be the same though.  Laminar's icing effect can only be applied to four channels.  The MU2, having independent heating on the left/right windshields takes up two of those channels.  I elected to use the 3rd channel for the 'minor accumulation' of ice on the side window, leaving only one channel left for whatever I may use it for (if at all)   The thing about Laminar's icing effect is it has a "fading animation" effect, which is great for ice accumulation / slow melting animations.  I'll probably have to go the tried and true "show/hide" route for the other exterior surfaces that can ice up.  This method (depending on how its implemented)  cannot fade in effects, so its a bit harsher, appearing / disappearing instantly for the most part.  There are ways to mitigate that,  but its not the same as Laminar's smooth fading effect.  So the Diamond there, probably only having one icing channel for the windshield icing, leaves the other channels for the wings, whereas I don't on the MU2.  So just be aware that because one product has the icing effect implemented in 'X' way,  doesn't mean that others may.  As devs, we're always trying to bend X-Plane's available tech to our projects. 

All that said, its important that you be able to look at the window and see ice accumulation...and I'll definitely strive to come up with something as best I can.


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2 hours ago, tkyler said:

I'll definitely be putting in something for sure.  Again, step 1 is get my IXEG customers in the air in V12 and then the "fun stuff" will begin...like this ice and wing flex for the MU2.    Note that not all product's ice effects may be the same though.  Laminar's icing effect can only be applied to four channels.  The MU2, having independent heating on the left/right windshields takes up two of those channels.  I elected to use the 3rd channel for the 'minor accumulation' of ice on the side window, leaving only one channel left for whatever I may use it for (if at all)   The thing about Laminar's icing effect is it has a "fading animation" effect, which is great for ice accumulation / slow melting animations.  I'll probably have to go the tried and true "show/hide" route for the other exterior surfaces that can ice up.  This method (depending on how its implemented)  cannot fade in effects, so its a bit harsher, appearing / disappearing instantly for the most part.  There are ways to mitigate that,  but its not the same as Laminar's smooth fading effect.  So the Diamond there, probably only having one icing channel for the windshield icing, leaves the other channels for the wings, whereas I don't on the MU2.  So just be aware that because one product has the icing effect implemented in 'X' way,  doesn't mean that others may.  As devs, we're always trying to bend X-Plane's available tech to our projects. 

All that said, its important that you be able to look at the window and see ice accumulation...and I'll definitely strive to come up with something as best I can.


My friend, thank you very much for the reply, I have absolutely no doubt that what you will develop for the wing ice effects is going to be trully high end like all what you create, Steaven Mckenzie for example developed his own system of accumulation and de-icing in his cirrus and he does not use the laminar system as he has commented.

I really can't wait for the IXEG flying on the XP12, In the same way it is a great new that you will implement the wing flex and wing ice effects in the best turboprop of XP, the outstanding TOGA Simulations MU-2.

Take care!!.


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