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Need Correct DataRef to show when NAV mode is selected on the AutoPilot Panel


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Hi Folks,

I recently purchased a Honeycomb Throttle Quadrant for use with the TBM 900. I've got most of it sorted, but I'm stuck on a couple of things; If I press the HDG, APR, or NAV buttons, the autopilot correctly changes to the requested mode (as verified by the annunciators on my monitor). However, only the HDG button lights up when pressed. The other two buttons work just fine, but they don't light up to say that they're active on the TQ.

I'm very much a newbie with the Honeycomb configurator; but I can see the variable that HDG mode monitors, but I can't for the life of me find the equivalents for APR and NAV modes (mostly just NAV mode I want - I don't ever use APR mode).

I've even gone as far as installing and running the DataRefTool - and I still can't see anything that's changing - and yet the annunciator on the monitor is presumably getting the info from somewhere.

Can someone please give me a heads up here.

Many thanks.

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2 hours ago, Pils said:

Search this link for “tbm900/lights/“, should find what you need. https://github.com/pilsnerish/Xsaitekpanels-Configurations/blob/main/TBM900_xsaitekpanels.ini

Thanks for that. The plot thickens; I can see from your excellent source that what I need is tbm900/lights/ap/nav ... usng the dataref tool I can see that this variable works great ... the only problem is that non of the tbm900 DataRefs appear in the list using the Honeycomb Configurator.

Any ideas as to what I need to do to get them to appear?

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20 minutes ago, Pils said:

You just have to type them in yourself.


In the latest version of the configurator that doesn't seem possible; the only place one can type is in the search field -- and when they don't appear, there's nothing that can be subsequently clicked on to select it. I have got a work-around working though; I've located the relevant config file and edited it in Notepad.

I just have 1 remaining issue now; I can't for the life of me get the approach light to come on. When I press the APR button both the APR and NAV lights should come on - but only the NAV one does; at this point I'm wondering if it's something as simple as a faulty LED.

Here's the code in case anyone can spot something obvious:

      "ByteIndex": 1,
      "BitIndex": 1,
      "ConditionLogic": "",
      "Conditions": [
          "Condition": "tbm900/lights/ap/nav",
          "ConditionValue": "1",
          "ConditionIsCustom": false
      "ByteIndex": 1,
      "BitIndex": 2,
      "ConditionLogic": "",
      "Conditions": [
          "Condition": "tbm900/lights/ap/apr",
          "ConditionValue": "1",
          "ConditionIsCustom": false

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41 minutes ago, Pils said:

Thanks for that - much appreciated.

Looks like the APR light is working just fine in the test - so the only remaining question is "why doesn't it work in the sim"?

- As far as I can tell the DataRef is correctly specified (per the above example)

- I can confirm that that variable does change when APR mode is delected

... just no light comes on. Odd.


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Sorted. I had an extra "," in the profile which was rendering that section of code inop.

For what it's worth, the Honeycomb Throttle Quadrant is a fantastic piece of kit for the TBM 900; I've never enjoyed flying it as much as I have the last couple of days since I got the new hardware. Highly recommended.

I also now have a great profile for it if anyone needs one (attached) (although it still needs a lot of XP control associations).



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