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[OPEN] CL 650 Version 1.1.0 CTD with Vulkan


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Hi Gents,

After installing the new version 1.1.0 today, all of a sudden I get CTD's either after the start up screen for the product comes up ( where I choose career or cold and dark) the X-plane background behind Greys out. ... then I just keep get an error box that says vulkan has lost connection and xplane will close. Otherwise, it just CTD's

See screen shot is below
I did turnoff vulkan and got the plane to load , but the performance lacks so can't use the product smoothly.

 I tested my other hot start products TBM900 and also the Saab340. They load perfect without issue with Vulkan turned on as well as all of my add ons after testing all evening. I am at a loss. I also reinstalled the original release version of the CL650 and let it do it's uninstall / reinstall. That version also now CTD's every time. I miss her and would to get her back in the air again. Incredible product and so well designed. It's late so I can perhaps upload my log tomorrow. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I hope this is a bug that reared it's ugly head that wasn't picked up before the update came out. 

Best, Jeff


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  • jmoss changed the title to CL 650 Version 1.1.0 CTD with Vulkan
  • Graeme_77 changed the title to [OPEN] CL 650 Version 1.1.0 CTD with Vulkan

This is an odd one to investigate. The fact it seems to have occurred after an update is troubling, but with these Vulkan device loss issues there is very little troubleshooting possible.

The best plan at the moment is to get the Challenger 650 back to a clean configuration and take it from there.

In the X-Plane directory, there's a subdirectory called "Output" with another subdirectory "CL650". This is where all the CL650 configuration is stored. The easiest way to clear it is simply close X-Plane, rename the CL650 directory to something else, "CL650_backup" for example, then start the sim and you should effectively have a new install.

I understand the issue appears to have been caused by a version change, but it's difficult to diagnose old versions so best to make sure you download the latest installer from the X-Aviation website so you've got the latest installation with no saved information.

Please report back if this gets you up and running. Thanks.

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This evening I tried what you had suggested. First removed the CL650 folder from the xplane output folder.

Result: same error messenger

I then installed latest version. Optimized for 8gig or over as I have a TitanX Nividia 12gig GPX card. 


Result: it loaded, but horrible stuttering when panning with all systems off. So I preceded to installing  the 6gig or under to see.

Result: same error message upon loading that version.

I also ran the xplane 11 installer to update to see if anything was missing. It only asked to overwrite some runway textures.

I've also removed:

fluwithlua / better pushback / sky max pro/ real weather connector / 3j cabin sounds ( not used in your product) I don't use many plugIns otherwise. 

I reloaded xplane and same result, but the log shows basically the same message. I really need to upload that tomorrow. Maybe you'll see something I missed? Very frustrated after many hours of trying. I'm sure there will be a solution at some point. Why it loaded ok once is strange since I follow the same routine every time. Thanks in advance for all you guys do to help everyone. If it was a $30.00 product, it would be easier to let it go, plus the fact, this release is over the top for X-Plane11. I'll wait to hear more suggestions. I may install a vanilla install on an external drive and see what happens, but I am skeptical for now. If it does work, I shuttle that over and reinstall all the add on aircraft and one plugin at a time.

Best, Jeff 



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23 minutes ago, jmoss said:

I may install a vanilla install on an external drive and see what happens, but I am skeptical for now. If it does work, I shuttle that over and reinstall all the add on aircraft and one plugin at a time.

Yes, a plain vanilla X-Plane install using OpenGL is what Laminar would suggest I'm sure. If you only select one of the smaller regions to install global scenery for the size shouldn't be too large. Unfortunately, Vulkan device loss errors are a known problem with XP's Vulkan engine, however LR stopped debugging the resultant X-Plane 11 crash reports from users many months ago. And as there will be no more bug fixes for 11, our only hope is that the situation is improved in XP 12 because OpenGL will no longer be an option!

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UPDATE: Please hang in with me here as it may help others with this specific loss of Vulkan device errors, not other CTD's. Off topic a bit, but since the Challenger was the only plane with Vulkan  crashes, I just wanted to be helpful here. 

First, I got the Challenger to load and in the middle of a short hop. (hopefully not jinxing myself) 

Below are my findings and possible reasoning with explanation and a windows 10 users warning for those that ever have to do what I did and avoid issues.  

Today I decided that there must be a graphics driver issue. I noticed every time a flight would load, default plane or not, especially daytime, there was a huge lag with shadows loading right away and low FPS for up to 40 plus seconds, then it would go up to normal, plus stuttering when panning. 

When I updated the drivers yesterday, stupid tech savvy me did not use add/ remove programs like I used to do in Windows7. It's been so long, I forgot that step.  I just did clean install on top of it and it didn't help any. Plus xplane would crash every time I go to quit since then. For what it's worth, it was causing issues before that as I used to have reshade installed and that really botched things up... that's for another forum and another day. 

Anyway, I tried booting into safe mode for the first time since changing to Windows 10, to use a DDU uninstaller of remnants files to insure a clean installation of the graphics driver.
Hang in with me here as this is very important! 

I then got no display but a black screen after attempting to boot into safe mode....and the computer was completely useless for hours of troubleshooting and almost a meltdown after reading what could have gone wrong, but nothing I attempted worked. 

If you're using a pci express graphics card on windows 10, MAKE 100% SURE that if you have an integrated card on your MB... ( I think most have it if I'm not mistaken ) ...and that it as NOT disabled before doing anything.

If nothing is hooked up to to the integrated port, and using the high end card instead that is hooked up,  there apparently is no issues or conflicts. Thankfully, I did not have it disabled!! Otherwise, you can't see anything and completely dead in the water. 

 After many, many hours of searching the web and lots of dead ends, I turned the system off and moved my monitor to the integrated port and was able get the display back. Huge sigh of relief! Im sure it doesn't happen to everyone, but you never know.

Anyway, I reinstalled the latest driver again. After rebooting and loading Xplane, I successfully loaded the Challenger! 

I noticed marked performance improvement...FPS 40's to 62, no stuttering overall. and loading doesn't have that lag like before now with Shadows or FPS loading at first. 

I strongly believe the Vulkan was messed up due to a lag when first loading an aircraft before all of this, timing out and causing a crash as the drivers were messed up.

I'm in the middle of a short flight... I will see what happens. I will report back.

I was so mad at myself as I should've known better. Plus windows 10 is a different animal and does what it wants that's completely unexpected.

Always do your due diligence and make certain that the info you get is spot on from those who are in the know or troubles will get worse.

Sorry a bit off topic, but I got a flight loaded. if it continues to work, I'll be grateful over and beyond.

I just think due to the complexity of this product and the loading of so many items is why it wouldn't give Vulkan a chance due to the corrupt driver conflicts in windows. I will report back as I said when I have time to test perhaps tomorrow sometime. Thanks for reading and to the support staff. Off to hopefully land at KTPA soon without issue. Apologies for the long post.

Best, Jeff 



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UPDATE Feb 3, 2022:

Sorry for not posting an update sooner as I haven't had a chance the past several days.

I've successfully loaded the challenger twice since several days ago without a hitch

So my hunch on a botched graphics drivers I believe was on point. I've yet to try career mode since I've purchased the CL650. I still want to test that too, but have a feeling all should be good as well there as well. If anything changes, I'll post another update of course.
I need to look at which version I have installed right now. I think it's the optimized for 6gig vram vs 8 and above. It still looks great.
I still may try the threading performance shortcut just to compare, but hyperthreading is off in my bios, so don't know if this will override that setting or not? I know process lasso won't. 

Best, Jeff

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21 minutes ago, jmoss said:

I still may try the threading performance shortcut just to compare, but hyperthreading is off in my bios, so don't know if this will override that setting or not?

The two are independent. If you have disabled Hyper-threading (not recommended, you’re losing performance you’ve paid for!) then Windows won’t see the virtual processors, therefore for the worker count they should be disregarded.

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