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LEVC ( Valencia ) Icarus X-Aviation Support Required - Mac OS Installer Does Not Work


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The app installer for Mac OS you get inside the dmg image with LEVC does not open. It does not work. I've emailed X-aviation support twice but still awaiting on a reply.

Are you able to help, please, @airfighter?

My feeling is that it is something to do with the installer thinking I have a bad/unrecognised CPU/OS (though no error msg is actually displayed). You double click on the installer app from the image dmg and then nothing happens. I'm on an Intel MacBook Pro 2019 running on Catalina 10.15.7 by the way.

Edited by deesto
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@airfighter I think if I have contacted support more than once and using various channels and means, it is because sadly I HAVE HAD to, rather than to annoy you or try to get a resolve quicker by jumping the line. In addition I waited way more than the stipulated days TWICE, before having to reach out again. To top it off, it's also because this product was not correctly uploaded/developed once purchased, so you have had my money for a long while (since 27 Nov 2021) by this stage, yet I still don't have my product today 14th Jan 2022, and no updates have since been pushed through either (It can't even launch the MacOS install application) - so I don't think this is fair, as neither it is for you to say I need to wait much longer, I'm sorry! (It's called sales/customer service btw). And if anything, I'm actually doing you guys a favour and beta testing it by mentioning a basic issue, so other users don't fall into the same trap and have such similar problems in the meantime (whilst having to create extra tickets for the same issue). In any case, I'm still waiting for @Cameron to solve it, as I mentioned the urgency and reasons for this. I'm sorry but I do feel somewhat told off here, when clearly I shouldn't be?! Now if you tell me a rough timescale for the resolve (rather than leave me hanging endlessly), with the reasons for your delay (again customer service 101 here..), then I'm more likely to be understanding, patient and happily wait much longer, don't you think? (It's either that or you need to think about ways of expanding/investing in customer support personnel, for example, or something like that)

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53 minutes ago, deesto said:

I think if I have contacted support more than once and using various channels and means, it is because sadly I HAVE HAD to, rather than to annoy you or try to get a resolve quicker by jumping the line.


53 minutes ago, deesto said:

In addition I waited way more than the stipulated days TWICE, before having to reach out again.

Not true at all. You received your first reply within the stipulated timeline. You have since reset your timeline because of your impatience after I already replied to you.

53 minutes ago, deesto said:

And if anything, I'm actually doing you guys a favour and beta testing it by mentioning a basic issue

How have you surmised this is "basic"? There's no favor being done here. On the contrary, I did do you a favor with discounts previously. Please stop making things up.

53 minutes ago, deesto said:

so you have had my money for a long while (since 27 Nov 2021) by this stage, yet I still don't have my product today 14th Jan 2022

This is such a garbage statement. You didn't bring anything up to ANYONE till this last week. Buying a product on a specific date vs lodging a support request months later are two very different things.


Don't keep this up. You'll have a one-way ticket out of this forum if you do.

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