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Gizmo64/ TerraMaxx issue


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I was running TerraMaxx on X-Plane 11.53 without any issues in 2021 (March/ April).

I reinstalled X-plane in December 2021 and now I'm running v.11.55 on Steam @ Win64. Same PC as before.
Now TerraMaxx is no longer working and I cannot open the Gizmo64 console. No error message when trying to change seasons, but a TerraMax window displays the message "Loading scenery for default, please wait.."  when loading a flight after reinstalling TerraMax (which I've done 6-7 times now). When I try to change seasons nothing happens.

I believe I am running Gizmo v. Windows. That is what the plugin manager is telling me.

I have also tried:
- both OpenGL and Vulkan
- removed \Resources\plugins\TerraMaxx - \Resources\plugins\Gizmo64.plugin - \Custom Scenery\SeasonsXP - C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\x-plane 11*.prf - before reinstalling TerraMaxx
- download terramaxx from x-aviation several times
- copied Gizmo64 plugin to X-Plane after downloading manually from gizmo64.com
 - unlocked all zip-files before extracted (from x-aviation.com and gizmo64.com)
- high and low grapic settings in X-Plane

Other plugins I'm running:
- Navigraph Simlink
- XPRealistic Pro

I do not use any other scenery packages.

As mentioned I cannot open Gizmo-plugin in X-plane, but here is some of the text from the X-Plane log:

0:00:01.011 G64:  core: curl_easy_init() provided by:[D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\Gizmo64.plugin\win_x64\libcurl.dll]
0:00:01.011 G64:  core: Boot Count: 1
0:00:01.012 G64:  core: OpenAL: Shared OpenAL context..
0:00:01.013 G64: debug: Firmware v21.03.20.0220
0:00:01.024 G64: debug: gxt: AutoLoading..
0:00:01.024 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Console
0:00:01.025 G64: debug:   gxt.load: ToolTray
0:00:01.025 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Mute
0:00:01.026 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Preferences
0:00:01.026 G64: debug:   gxt.load: RebootButton
0:00:01.026 G64: debug:   gxt.load: GateKeeper
0:00:01.028 G64: debug:     GK: Load license from disk..
0:00:01.028 G64: debug:     GK:  404: license database
0:00:01.028 G64: debug:     GK: Empty license file. Defaulting to login page.
0:00:01.028 G64: debug:     GK: IPC v21.03.18 loaded.
0:00:01.028 G64: debug:   gxt.load: MAXX_RWC
0:00:01.029 G64: debug:   gxt.load: LuaGC
0:00:01.029 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Shell
0:00:01.030 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Stats
0:00:01.030 G64: debug: gxt: Completed AutoLoad.
0:00:01.031 G64: debug: firmware_init.lua completed.

What more can I try to fix this issue?

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7 minutes ago, Bakanski said:

copied Gizmo64 plugin to X-Plane after downloading manually from gizmo64.com

Never do this. Only use the version from X-Aviation installers.


Outside of that, Gizmo is trying to get you to activate your license, but you haven't done so. My guess is you are running multiple monitors and X-Plane is hiding the window somewhere.

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Thanks for your reply. I do run multiple monitors, but I still cannot find any hidden windows. Do you know what kind of window it should be, and what the process is called?

I once again did a clean install of TerraMaxx after removing the folders mentioned in the opening post, and the X-Plane log is now saying this:
0:00:39.957 G64:  core: Run: [OnBoot]
0:00:39.957 G64: debug:     GK: Auto license update is on.
0:00:39.957 G64: debug:     GK: Update triggered. -18998.80 days remaining <= 2.00.
0:00:39.957 G64: debug:     GK: Requesting license update..
0:00:39.957 G64: debug:     GK: update_license()
0:00:39.957 G64: debug:     GK: No valid auth token, manual login required.
0:00:39.957 G64:  core: Run: [OnFirstFrame]
0:00:39.958 G64: debug:     GK-IPC: No license: (maxxxp.terramaxx)
License challenge failed; TerraMaxx disabled.

When using Alt-Tab I cannot find any windows other than the usual ones. I will try to reinstall later (now I'm a bit fed up).

Edited by Bakanski
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