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Red crossed gauges and indicators


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That's quite a recent development.

When I'm loading some filed flight (situation), or starting some new flight with the TBM 900, once loaded, and pushing the crashbar up, all engine gauges and all radio or nav frequencies indicators are crossed out with red crosses, and it is impossible to start the engine.

A solution is available: in the Developpers section of the menu, click on "reload plane", and things are back to normal.

However, what is causing this systematic failure? Is there a way to avoid that?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

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This could be anything from a de-activated aircraft, external avionics hardware to an issue with the avionics in the TBM that needs to be addressed in the maintenance manager.  

Fixing it by reloading the plane in the developers section is a little unusual.  I'll pass this on to Saso and see what he makes of it.

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Thank you for your answer.

The aircraft seems properly activated, and my license is confirmed each an every time I launch the sim.

I only have basic controls, yoke, quadrant, and no external avionic.

And once reloaded, I fly the lady without any problem.

If you need logs or pics, I may of course provide.

Anyway, this is my preferred plane, and I do hope that, coming X-Plane 12, an updated version will be available.

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I see quite a few plugins that have me questioning whether or not one or some of them may have something to do with this.

Please temporarily remove the following plugins (move them to your desktop or any other safe place so you can restore them later) and then shut down and restart X-Plane.  Load the TBM at SCIP and re-test to see what happens.





Terrain Radar



If it does the same thing, please send another series of logs.

Plugins and enhancements can make the sim better, but sometimes too many plugins can cause conflicts with aircraft add ons that have plugins already added.

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As promised, I'm back...

With unsatisfying results...

When I put aside all plugins as recommanded, at first it seems to have fixed the things. But when quiting all protecting flames and thinking to put them back in the cabin, I opened the main door, which definitely refused to shut back. Trying to shut it back using my quadrant dedicated push button, or the left menu.

Shutting down the sim and re-launching it was of no effect. The main door stayed in opened position.

With no other solution, I then reinstalled the plane.

Without the am mentioned plugins, when I intended to start the reinstalled plane, I had again the same red crosses accross my gauges (see joined pic). And was able to start the engine after reloading the plane from de developper menu again.

I stay a little bit puzzled...

I'm of course ready to try any solution that you may recommand.

Thank you in advance for your answer.


TBM900 - 2021-10-24 18.13.21.png

Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt

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14 hours ago, Panxua said:

With a clean/raw new installation, the red crosses have disappeared.

The question is now to identify the disruptive element.

Which, with the number of sceneries and orthophotos installed will be quite a work.

It's incredibly unlikely the scenery is causing this (Unless the scenery has plugins...which...some do).  This is almost definitely down to your hardware and/or plugins.  Just start adding plugins and re-testing as you add.  

Eventually, you will find the culprit.

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