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Constant Audio Static


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My latest issue with the TBM is -- the second it loads up there is a fairly loud static that permeates the audio. It cannot be eliminated either with a new airframe, reloading X-Plane or anything else I've tried. Basically, you have to mute all audio to fly the plane which is no long term solution. Again, I don't have this problem with any other planes in X-Plane so it's particular to the TBM. I have already re-installed the Hotstart once so hoping I don't have to do it again and that there is a less drastic fix. I love this plane but find I spend more time on the ramp troubleshooting issues than enjoyable flying!

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My experience was that it handles audio differently to regular XP aircraft. To get any sound I had to start XP (to the menu stage) then go into Windows sound settings and assign XP to the device I wanted - and then it was fine (but I wasn't having issues with "loud static" - just no sound at all).

Only other sound that I've heard remotely like that is the "hiss" when the ANR headset is switched on.


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