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C++ redistributable still causing plane to be unflyable - refund request

Simmo W

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Hi guys, I sent Cameron a refund request yesterday, still havent received a reply. Unfortunately the update hasn't made things any better, I can't enjoy without the screens and..give up, reluctantly.

I know you guys are busy, but even a confirmation that it's coming would be appreciated. I've checked my spam folder too.


Below is the link to the issue raised in V1


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Yes Cameron, I do feel unfortunate, especially since you guys have refused the refund. I feel dudded, a loyal customer who's spent hours trying to get it to work, with thousands of Youtube views of all your products that I've bought. You are one tough cookie Cameron.

Now I am double-sad.

:'( :'(

Re: C++ redistributable still causing plane to be unflyable - refund request

« Reply #1 on: Today at 15:37:33 »

Reply coming soon, Simon.

Unfortunate that you're the only one with this problem.  ;)

Report to moderator  Logged

"no, we need a refcon actually..."

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Simon. We think still there is more to do inside your computer to try to make it work. Even you already make it work perfectly through some tedious process you make desinstalling and installing again. That proofs that it is not an issue of the plane but something inside your configuration, that is the culprit of it. Because we think that can be fixed (formating computer, buying a new computer...) then we need you first end some of the testings.

For example please un install all c++ versions you have.

Then try your 1.0 copy in another computer you can have access.

Still it has been 2.5 weeks from the release of the plane and is too soon to ask for a refund when not all posibilities have been found. Of course if a usser finds that the culprit of not been able to fly the plane is really because the CRJ that usser will be refunded. But first of all he has to give us the posibility to fix it. In your case Simon it seems clearly is because your computer, and if we refund you, then we should do to everyone with problems in their systems and not the plane.

I ask you to continue doing those things needed to be done to verify your computer is not ok.

Sorry for the inconvenience Simon and I am sure you will make it work.

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