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upon first installation the A/C showed :

- no default outer paintings/markings
- garbled propeller and rudder.
- no markings on dashboard label
- no cockpit left menu  pops-up.
- Many reinstallations did not solve the inconvenient neither did severeal manual file delete / reinstall
Downloaded again the installer from my account, but always upon installation/unpacking returns :
  ERROR copying file from packed
    archive ib : TBM900 to E: VOLO/X_PLANE 11/Aircaft/X-AVIATION/TBM900/plugins/systems/win-x64/systemss.xpl .
Totally frustrated I have no idea about what else I can do to enjoy my latest purchase....
Just asking...HELP !

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Thank you for your prompt reply,

it's nice to have comeone who cares when you're desperate...

- Reinstallations had been attempted inhibiting Avira antivirus and Firewall.

- Possible my wild click on Gizmo aiming to repair the plane evident anomalies in very begining installation attempt may have occurred...( I noticed something referring to it in the Log).

- I could even disinstall Xplane 11 and start it all from the begining reinstalling TBM900 as first addon a/c followed by all the others if you think this could help...and if I'm allowed to                  redownload all the payware ...

I here in enclose the two log text I found in the Xplane 11.

Thanks again for your kind attention.

Log.txt GizmoLog.txt

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I had disabled AVIRA Antivirus, but I was not sure about Win Defender, so I blocked it's activity. Thereafter  :

- downloaded TDM900

- by the newly created disinstaller, disinstalled TBM900.

- by the newly downloaded installer, installed with no problem TDM900

- started XPlane11 and New Flight with TDM900. IT SEAMED TO WORK ! Activation, Tutorial, Right Hand menu visible/working, Left Hand  menu visible/working. internal/external views 


- I did not go any further with Airframe creation and quit XPlane11.

- activated Avira antivirus and Windows Defender

- started XPlane11 and new flight with TBM900 Engine Off.

- again A/C present (not garbled this time) but not functioning, LH menu not shown up, RH menu shown up and apparently working...

- switching off both Avira antivirus and Windows Defender did not reactivate functionality to a restarted XP11/TBM900 acting as above.

Your investigation seems to be on the right way....

Thank you so much !


Att. updated Log files.



Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt

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53 minutes ago, COMET1 said:

- switching off both Avira antivirus and Windows Defender did not reactivate functionality to a restarted XP11/TBM900 acting as above.

Your anti-virus is junk. Get rid of it.

Avira seems to be deleting your TBM plugin after you re-activated the anti-virus.

There's nothing further we can do to help you.

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Thanks a lot Goran for your kind advice which I'll certanly follow,

however, my Avira is the Pro payware version that presently covers two Windows PC's plus three Android hardware and has been there since several years never causing any kind of problem. As far as XPlane11 is concerned, installed addons such as Zibo737, Rotate-MD80, JRollon-SF260, Airfoillabs-C172SP did not suffer similar difficulties. Avira may be a junk as Cameron states and I'll get rid of it as he suggests, I'm not qualified at all to judge, but it's quite pricey and widely adopted and a lot of TDM900 buyers, particularly in Europe, might have Avira installed and potentially  bother you and waste your precious time as I did. Therefore I think that investigation/solution about the TBM900-Avira conflict would benefit both your Customers and  You. Your suggestion for a replacement good payware antivirus compatible with TBM900 will be mostly appreciated !In the meantime, not being an expert, I'll try to make Avira not scan the XP11 Folder....





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Hi there ,

I totally disinstalled Avira and replaced it with AVG, but this did not solve the problem.

A fresh new installation of XPlane11 in a new root folder and following a new installation of TBM900 and finally of all the other addons/pluggins ending with reinstallation of AVG ....seems having led the drama to an end...hopefully !

If so,  I'll miss you....if not......

Thanks you both folks....Cameron should try Avira though !

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I do have a similar problem. I had 11.50 on drive D:\ as long as it was beta. When it turned final I copied the x-plane folder to another drive X:\. The install of the TBM900 failed on drive X:\ , unable to copy systems.xpl.

A reinstall of the TBM900 on D:\ went without any problems. The systems.xpl is where it should be. It was impossible to copy the systems.xpl from D:\.

Any hints are welcome

kind regards


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Thx Goran I will look into it...

Yes indeed, granting full access to the ../win_X64 directory for authentified users let me copy the file... This didn't solve the problem.

BUT.... argh... adding the new x-plane 11.50 directory (the one on X:\) to the exceptions of Avira Antivirus real time protection let me finally install the plane. All good now. I confirm this has nothing to do with TBM900...


Edited by selkin
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