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Hi all,

I was following the tutorial and everything was going perfectly smoothly until I realised that instead of sticking to the 4500ft, my CRJ was climbing (reaching FL300)..., well that's only the first thing, bu then, I had the feeling that it was not following the route...

F/D are on, AP is engaged, my alt button pressed, hdg 030 locked, then turning to 60° to intercept the route... But my issue is that he does not stick to the altitude I entered (and I can't find a alt intv button :D) and yeah that is pretty much it...

Am I doing sthg wrong?

Thank you,




1. Sounds like you do not have the alt pre-set correctly (please carefully follow the tutorial)

2. Be sure you are selecting the correct nav source (also in the tutorial) for the route to follow. If you do not have the correct nav source selected, intercepting the route will do nothing but go right through it.


Hi Cameron!

Thanks for your reply, well even when trying to set an altitude without the FMC, it does not do it...

F/D pressed, I press ALT and set the alt to 4500ft , at 1000ft, I engage the A/P but it still does not want to keep and maintain that altitude... :/


Have you tried climbing with the vertical speed mode?  It looks like all you are doing is pitching up, and hitting the ALT button, which should work in theory, but for some reason I think you might be doing something else wrong...

Are you sure that the Autopilot is actually engaged, and on the AUTO mode and not just ON?


Hi Urbanex,

You are too fast! AC tries to maintain speed limitations by pulling up.

Relax the throttle and all will be fine.

Best regards,



Hi Urbanex,

You are too fast! AC tries to maintain speed limitations by pulling up.

Relax the throttle and all will be fine.

Best regards,


That's right. Speeding up happens very fast, I'm also still "fighting" against myself not monitoring the speed closely enough. Anybody has a setting that he eases the throttle back after takeoff? like.. 70, 85...? How you do it: Gear up flaps up first, then throttle, or otherwise?



Thanks all for your advice, I will check if that works! Shall I press the Speed mode then, in order to monitor the speed?


Mmmmm Urbanex... has you read the documentation? If not, I suggest you read it before flying the plane, because that question about you should use speed for monitor speed......... mmmmm



Maybe I did not express myself properly, I mean, pushing the spd button to define a certain speed that the airplane will reach and stick to that speed.




no :D. you manage the speed yourself*. the autopilot function is for climbs/descent. You set the speed, give or take power, and the plane will climb or sink in order to maintain that speed. But when it reaches the altitude you preselected, the spd mode will disengage (and the plane will accelerate or slow down again, depending on your throttle settings).

in short: to avoid overspeeding, use your thottles wisely (still figuring that out myself. it is so much more difficult to control than the prop planes I am used to. soooo fast)

* other planes/autopilots may have the function "ATHR" (auto-throttle). That will control the speed for you also in level flight.


as said Carlos, please read the manuals.. it seems you don't know the plane.

Y en castellano... Por favor lease los manuales, por que parece que no controla mucho el avión al creer que el speed mode era solo para mantener la velocidad. Es un modo vertical. Dependiendo de la velocidad y la fuerza que imprima a los throttles, entonces el avión cabeceará más o menos.

Pero por favor, lease los manuales. Todo todito, todo está bien explicado allí y a creo que a nadie le gusta teclear dos veces lo mismo, que cuesta mucho esfuerzo.. si si solo fueran dos veces no habría problema, pero siendo unos cuantos los que lo podrían preguntar, pues como que me pasaría la vida respondiendo posts, y no trabajando.


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