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TBM freezing xplane a few minutes into each flight


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I'm getting a total freeze of xplane (with not responding in the title bar) a few minutes into every flight after initially having several very successful flights.  But this has now happened 5-10 times.  I tried removing most of my plugins to no avail (and it was working before, I have not added any plugins since it was working).  I'm a bit new of this, happy to upload any helpful data if you can direct me to it. Thanks, Dan

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The reason the drivers are important is because the TBM uses a plugin called "librain", which adds rain and icing effects to the TBM.  librain uses complex OpenGL code, which is dependant on current GPU drivers.  Other aircraft use this, but only if they are added by the developer.  librain was developed by Saso Kiselkov, who coded the TBM.  This is why the crashing only happens to the TBM, but it will also happen to other add ons that use librain.

Edited by Goran_M
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Please post a new log file.  I have the exact same graphics card you do, and I'm having no issues, so I'll be very interested to see what the log contains.

If you want to install it in 11.50, do so knowing that we don't officially support beta's, and you will most likely experience CTD's.  Also the rain and icing effects will not work under Vulkan/Metal at this time.  It is being looked into, and hopefully a patch can be made when 11.50 goes into release candidate status.

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Thanks again for the advice.  I had been doing some of both, and it has locked up in both situations.  Just happened again, here is the log file.  If there's no clear reason there, then i suppose I'll give up and just hope for the best on short flights rather than losing longer ones just before descent, as happened today.  Maybe it's the AMD stuff? thank you again,





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On 4/11/2020 at 3:42 PM, dtmmd said:

I'm getting a total freeze of xplane (with not responding in the title bar) a few minutes into every flight after initially having several very successful flights.  But this has now happened 5-10 times.  I tried removing most of my plugins to no avail (and it was working before, I have not added any plugins since it was working).  I'm a bit new of this, happy to upload any helpful data if you can direct me to it. Thanks, Dan

Pretty sure you're being hit by buggy AI aircraft and the AI ATC system crashing (I can see you have 6 AI aircraft loaded in your log). Recommend you disable those. A sporadic/random crash after a few minutes of running is typically caused by the ATC system giving an AI aircraft a bad instruction, which then somehow ends up with the AI aircraft hitting a corner case in the ATC system.

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Thank you both for the quick responses! That had crossed my mind too, I'm sure the first log does show AI aircraft, though I had disabled them (I thought) before this most recent flight.  I just went back into the setup screen on xplane, and they are all still disabled.  Do you still see evidence of them in the most recent log I posted? There are none showing in my 'AI aircraft' menu in the flight config area, and I didn't see any on leaving KSTL on this most recent flight.  Thank you again, 

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Hello again.  I have disabled the AI aircraft, dropped my rendering options down significantly from where they had previously worked (even with the TBM).  I am sure my GPU drivers and Windows are up to date.  And just had another crash (after I reduced clouds, etc to try and help).  I also moved my entire xplane program from my HDD to the solid state hard drive in my PC thinking that would help with loading times.  The log file is attached.  It seems that it's getting worse, and I cannot figure out why.  Thank you for any advice.


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We're still trying to figure this out, because it shouldn't be freezing on you.

Did you try loading at a different airport.  Our test airport is SCIP.  Can you try loading there and doing a few circuits to see if this behaviour repeats itself?  I have the same GPU as yourself, and I am not getting any of this behaviour, so this is definitely something in your install.


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Just out curiosity, can you try changing the livery you are loading to anything other then "Default"?

Also, when it hangs up, can we get a shot of Task Manager to try and see if X-Plane is attempting some CPU operations? Trying to figure out if it's actually doing something when it's hung up, or it's just sitting there deadlocked on some resource.

Edited by skiselkov
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OK, so at Midway or SCIP it seems to do ok...would obviously like to be able to fly at other airports of course.  It definitely seems to do better if the weather is set for completely clear, is that maybe just what I'm stuck with? Here's a crash this morning during cloudy weather out of KAST.  (log attached.) Thank you again for the attentive replies, it is appreciated.





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