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Flight Sim Conference


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Has anyone given any consideration about attending the AVSIM conference in October? I know that it will obviously be geared towards MSFS (unfortunately for the fans of X-Plane), though it's my understanding, that ANYBODY can submit a time to get up and talk about ANYTHING aviation related for the audience. But if I knew that a number of X-Planers were going to go, I'd consider attending myself, if just to bask in the camaraderie between us. Heck, I've always wanted to visit the Air and Space Museum, so it would be worth the trip just for that.

With all that said, what would people think about an X-Plane only conference? I know over at the .org, it's come up from time to time, but the dates / places that were proposed NEVER made it possible for me. There have been multiple one's in Europe in fact.

I live in South Louisiana, and would love to have an "impromptu meetup" of fellow X-Planers. It wouldn't necessarily have to be in my neck of the swamp, and it could be as elaborate or as simple as X-Simmers would want. Perhaps at a nearby aviation museum, such as the aforementioned Smithsonian Air and Space, or the Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio. It could even coincide with an airshow somewhere as well. I'm also into RC flying, and there are a number of flyins around the country (one of them in fact at the Air Force museum just mentioned), where the public is invited to attend and view the aircraft and flying.

This is just a few ideas off the top of my head, and please feel free to take it as seriously or not so seriously as you see fit. Heck, even the Oshokosh airshow started out with just a few pilots who decided to get together once a year to BS about flying, and look how that ended up! lol


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Certainly there's been talk about it and I think I myself will be attending...not completely confirmed but certainly desired.  I know XA wants to attend also...so we'll see!  I agree I'd like to see more x-plane get togethers...I have met some of the most fantastic people through x-plane....and every get-together has been loads of fun.  It'd be nice to see that here in the US!

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I hadn't realized that X-Aviation would be attending. That's good to know! I know Austin Meyer made one or two way back when, but I think he holds out for demonstrating at the Oshkosh airshow. Makes sense I suppose, as there would be far more potential customers walking by, than going to something where there are already customers of his there.

BUT, if the X-Plane addon community (such as X-Aviation) makes a noticeable presence, that would be worthwhile. And with traditional MSFS developers who have "cross platformed" their work into X-Plane being there as well, that's a plus as well.


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Yeah, Airventure would be so ideal. I could POTENTIALLY make it this year, but it would be tight, as Airventure is really just around the corner. And I'm not sure I could do the entire week...two or three days possibly though.

But like I said, it doesn't even really have to be an EVENT. For this year, it could just as well be a LOCATION that would be aviation / flight sim related. Next year, with enough "heads up", we could do Airventure, without having to "squeeze it in" ;-) .

A Canadian meetup would be nice too. It would be the first for me to venture outside the U.S., and my wife would actually probably attend with me if she could (though she'd probably just stay in a hotel, or take in the sights, while the X-Plane folks got together).

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I have a "go ahead" to present on xp development, both aircraft and scenery...so barring any surprises, I hope to be able to do that.  The presentation would be a general overview, mostly for the MSFS devs and not "tips and tricks".

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I guess just sharing the company with fellow X-Plane pilots would be rewarding enough for me. I'd get into the developer talks as well, even though I'm not one myself. A "tips and tricks" would be ok if presented by someone, but again, for me, it's really the camaraderie.

And please don't get me wrong, I could get along with an MSFS guy just as easily (so long as he wouldn't want to degenerate any conversation with "why MSFS is better than X-Plane" talk). When it comes down to it, flying a trip from point A to point B in MSFS will more than likely be the same as flying in X-Plane. With the airports, sceneries, and land mass elevations being fairly close, we could share experiences with an MSFS fan as easily as an X-Plane fan. And more than likely, we all have (at the minimum), our hardware setups in common (yokes, pedals, throttles, avionics, etc. etc.) So there is much common ground between the two platforms, in terms of personal experiences. And with systems such as VATSIM, and FS Economy being cross platform as they are, two pilots (each of whom use different sims) could talk to each other without either one really caring which sim the other used.

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Put pilots into a room and they will be talking for hours. It sure is like a big club.

I would love to hear what Tom has to say on X-Plane development for sure.

I if an event was planed in the US though, how many would actually make it. If it was at air venture or fun n sun, i think more people would be inclined to come. Sun N Fun this year was a disaster though.

As for one in Canada, i know i am most definitely going to Canada this year. :P

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"Put pilots into a room and they will be talking for hours. It sure is like a big club."

Isn't that the truth! lol  I just got finished looking into flights, and the cost of staying an additional couple of days (to go to the Air & Space Museum as I mentioned in my first post). I'm almost 90% sure I will attend the AVSIM conference now. I'm really stoked!

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