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TMB 900 crash twice two different reasons given in log.txt


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Upon starting the 900 and proceeding to Take Off , XP crashed. The log.txt said the reason for the crash was Sky Max Pro. I restarted XP, disabled SMP and no problems until I was at cruise altitude of 22,000 ft and the sim crashed again.The log.txt said the the crash was caused by OpenGPNS by Saso Kiselkov. I am not familiar with this plug-in nor do I have it installed. Both XP log.txt and TBM 900 log.txt attached.



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2 minutes ago, Goran_M said:

I'll pass this onto Saso, but to me, it looks like GPWS crashed because it was reading corrupted scenery.  I'll let him know, though.

Thank you. If it matters, I was enroute to KCLT and have no custom scenery for this area or airport. 

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Just updated to 1.1.7. Upon opening the outside sky is constantly flickering and when I try to activate the power bar it immediately shuts back off. I disable SMP and the plane and scenery returns to normal. Power bar stays open and plane begins normal start up procedure. At this point I shut the plane down. SMP has never caused a problem with any other aircraft. Should I download a new version of SMP? Attaching log.txt. I went ahead and downloaded a new version of SMP and RWC. Again, clouds are flickering, as soon as SMP disabled plane functions properly.



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Flickering? Can't say I've seen other reports of that. If it's the whole sky, you might try changing the sky in SMP from Hosek-Wilkie to default or some other setting of your preference. Could be there is something in our sky shaders that your OpenGL drivers on your system doesn't like for some reason. I'd also try reducing the "cloud area covered" setting to see if it's just a matter of running low on VRAM due to too many clouds being present in the scene. The only Mac-specific errors in SMP I'm aware of involve very rare hardware failures of GPU's on certain models.

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10 hours ago, Goran_M said:

If the crash bar comes down by itself, then that is something in your hardware assignments.  Double check those.  As far as SMP causing flickering, that's a strange one.  I also have SMP and am not seeing the flickering.  However, it could be something to do with running on a mac.

@sundog any ideas?

If by hardware assignments you mean a joystick or keyboard assignment I do not have any mapped, just use the mouse to grip the crash bar. The SMP has me stumped. It just came out of the blue when I loaded 1.1.6. Never a problem prior. I have read Sundog’s post and will give those suggestions a try. Love the plane, but these problems have me scratching my head. 

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34 minutes ago, sundog said:

Flickering? Can't say I've seen other reports of that. If it's the whole sky, you might try changing the sky in SMP from Hosek-Wilkie to default or some other setting of your preference. Could be there is something in our sky shaders that your OpenGL drivers on your system doesn't like for some reason. I'd also try reducing the "cloud area covered" setting to see if it's just a matter of running low on VRAM due to too many clouds being present in the scene. The only Mac-specific errors in SMP I'm aware of involve very rare hardware failures of GPU's on certain models.

Please see my comments to Goram. I will take your suggestions and give it a try. Thank you for taking the time to help. 

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1 hour ago, Goran_M said:

Can you check what your reflection detail is set to?

Reflection detail set to minimal. Will also post this screen shot on Sundog. Don't know that you can see the flickering, but this is after I followed Sundog's suggestions.1161374119_ScreenShot2019-03-21at10_25_49AM.thumb.png.5ce3d132b8f59a7a0a06d8167c1fab9f.png

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14 minutes ago, Ned said:

Reflection detail set to minimal. Will also post this screen shot on Sundog. Don't know that you can see the flickering, but this is after I followed Sundog's suggestions.1161374119_ScreenShot2019-03-21at10_25_49AM.thumb.png.5ce3d132b8f59a7a0a06d8167c1fab9f.png

I set all sliders to far left. restarted XP and still have flickering clouds.

Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 10.25.49 AM.png

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Honestly at a loss - the only other thing I'd try is reducing your graphics settings to disable HDR for example. Your video memory does look pretty tight based on what's shown in your SMP settings.

Beyond that, it might be time for a clean re-install of X-Plane and the add-ons you care the most about.

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41 minutes ago, sundog said:

Honestly at a loss - the only other thing I'd try is reducing your graphics settings to disable HDR for example. Your video memory does look pretty tight based on what's shown in your SMP settings.

Beyond that, it might be time for a clean re-install of X-Plane and the add-ons you care the most about.

Will keep that as an option. The thing that I can’t understand is the the flickering clouds only occur with the TBM 900 loaded. I am sure that is a “graphics hog” but no problems with the Jar A320, which was the only one that caused my FPS to drop to 25/30. Getting 55/60 in the default 172 and steady 30/35 in others. 

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5 minutes ago, Goran_M said:

It's probably due to the use OpenGL in the TBM (Rain, Ice, AoA indicator) doing something with Skymaxx.  Problem is, you are, so far, the only person experiencing this.  I also have Skymaxx, but am not seeing this problem, so it's a bit of a mystery.

While it is somewhat of a distraction, I will try to fly with the stuttering clouds to see if I get a crash. Wish now I had saved the log.txt that said SMP caused the crash. There is no way to retrieve old log.txt’s is there?

Again I appreciate all the time everyone has spent with me on this. 

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