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iPad 2 stuff

Simmo W

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Same here Ben, I'm waiting for that Retina display before even thinking of replacing our one. Plus it will take app producers awhile to get to grips with it. I am busting for the iPhone 5 though, I'm free from contract slavery next mth! I'd be stupid to get a 4 this late in cycle, and my trusty 3GS still runs pretty quick. FaceTime is irrelevant for me (you really don't want to see mine!)

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It will be interesting when app makers begin to write fot a dual-core chip. The new graphics chip is supposed to be much, much faster as well.

As for me, I will finally upgrade my first generation iPod Touch for the next iPhone this summer.

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i have been debating on getting an Ipad for a while, but for me, its like, I have a touch, and its great, comes with me everywhere, and i already have so many screens to look at daily anyhow, so why get one? The only reason i may get one would be to maybe pretend it gets me out of the house. i can go to the coffee shop with it, and not feel so unconnected. blah, I say it doesn't mater, i wont go out with it anyway, so why get one.

Maybe cause it would allow me to surf the net faster in the mornings when i don't feel like turning on the pc. my touch already dose that, but it is a bit small.

the debate in my head goes on. I think i would be more likely to buy one for my mother before myself.

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Wow, popular topic!

Dp, let's just say you'll notice a slight speed difference!

Jack- no one 'needs' an iPad. But once u surf the web and watch a few vids with one, something unexplainable happens, sort of like cocaine? Not that I know, I stopped at heroin :-)

And it's much faster than using a laptop. iPad 1 basic (my one) is a bargain. U don't need 3G

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After spending half of my life cramming my interaction with computers through a mouse.... I argue strongly that =everyone= NEEDS an ipad.

Usually people look at you indifferent to them ... "oh yeah, an ipad huh."

'Gimme your details, so I can keep in contact' *hands over blank address book entry*

2 minutes later they're sold.

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Simon, I can't even explain but your sense of humor always has me laughing at my computer screen  ;D Yeah DP, iPads seem just like a big iPod Touch at first, but once you use one you will be amawed. I didn't particularily want one, but when I did get one, I was addicted right away! I have to say 3G in the car, and in the plane is very useful! If you fly VFR often and need all kinds of charts, updated METARS, and the whole web at your fingertip getting an iPad with 3G is great! And there's a built in GPS, quite useful when you get lost in the car :-)

iPad is like this; you won't know the feeling until you own one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm running the ipad v1 & v2 now, flanking the main screen and running efis app and airtrack simultaneously, but can switch over on the v2 and pull up charts or OPS manuals on the fly. Nice, but my take on the 2 is that it isn't much faster and the graphics aren't that much better to justify replacing a v1. It is lighter but the rounded edge is harder to keep a good hold on. There are no accessories available for it yet either; no dock so it's tethered and resides in The Compass holder. If v3 is indeed coming in the fall, wait for that one unless you really want two screens. If you can find a new v1 at a good price? Not a bad option right now for dual screen use.

My two cents anyway...

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