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Visibility bug with the sun


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Sir, no offense, but the "perfection" you seek is not what modern day computers running flight simulation software are properly capable of.

I'm sorry if you're finding this unsatisfactory, but the level of expectations need to be kept within reason. If you lack technical knowledge on reasons why certain things aren't done (which I assume you do), then I imagine this will be very disappointing to you.

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So the fact that the sun, while staying in the yellow area, disappears but reappears once it is behind a cloud is a technical limitation, a limitation that I can't understand?
As a client, I just mention that it is illogical, now it's up to you to take it as a feedback, I will then decide If I'll upgrade or not by asking those if they see any enhancement in the next version.
Another example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AaitmaenSs 
We see the rays, they must come from somewhere don't they? And suddenly, the sun appears in the yellow area where there was nothing a second before. Sorry, this is not a quest for perfection, it's just a user who plays with a weather tool and finds unrealistic things in it. Up to you if you want to challenge yourself ;-) 

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13 minutes ago, branislavmilic said:

Sorry, this is not a quest for perfection, it's just a user who plays with a weather tool and finds unrealistic things in it.

So you're satisfied if this doesn't get "fixed" then?

After all, this is not a quest for perfection.


By this point you had altered settings in the config files, which we do not support. From the looks of it, the clouds occlude the sun rays, which then allows the sun to be seen again behind a cloud. When centered right at the sun, the rays are occluding the sun, thus no image is shown.

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Sorry but I've watched your videos about ten times and I really don't see what the issue is. The sun does not have to be visible to cast "god rays", and it seems to be getting properly occluded by clouds passing in front of it.

The sun gets dimmed by how much of it is occluded. We can't do this on a pixel-by-pixel basis for performance reasons. Maybe that's what you're expecting? If so that's very unlikely to change in any upcoming release.

EDIT: nevermind; after re-reading Cameron's reply I think he figured out what you were talking about.



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This is why I tend to perfection. I try to finetune the tools to achieve it. It's rare that in my videos we see the cockpit, I think out of the cockpit. And SkyMaxx Pro is not a plugin that changes the environment within the cockpit but outside of it ;-) Enjoy ;-) 


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  • 1 year later...

The project ‘Between The Clouds’ has been completed and is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJhK4b4yZ2w

The first minutes are using default's X-Plane clouds, but as from 3:18, I use SMP partly with SMP's default clouds, and partly with my own set of clouds.

Edited by branislavmilic
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