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Have dificulties with Yoke senstivity, please advice

Andrey Novikov

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Hi, first of all I want to clarify my background: I was piloting Tu-154 in Microsoft Flight Simulator for 10+ years. It is considered to be one of the most comprehensive aircraft models and I had no difficulties to fly a pattern and to land it by hands in most severe weather conditions. Then was a 6 year pause buy now I have discovered that beautiful X-Plane and this tremendous model of 737. So I took my covered with dust Saitek Yoke and started to practice. I have found that I have difficulties with controlling the plane. I have set joystick sensitivity as recommended (0%/25%) but I feel the plane like it is a fighter not a large passenger jet. Here on video (sorry for its quality) on the 42th second you can see how it pitches after I gently pull the yoke for just 1,5 centimeters (about 30% of its full movement):


Is it normal? Is it real? On the gliderslope I can use only several millimeters of its movement to keep the plane stable. This is not what I was used to before...

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Max. pitch- and rollrate are fixed in the model and are pretty much dead on to the original.

The 737 can be quite quirky if you yank the controls. 

Can you make a video of controls moving when the column is visible? Can be on

ground, with engines running. Perhaps you can check the outside too, if the control

surfaces move properly.

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Hi Andrey, welcome to XP.  As frumpy says, the controls, pitch and roll rates etc are calibrated to real world data and test flown and approved by many real world 737 pilots.  Remember that a 30% yoke deflection in real is ALOT of input and requires A LOT of force to do. 

Don't want to start a FS/XP debate, but without going into details XP is a lot more dynamic in many ways than FS and requires more precision flying, more pilot work.  So what you are experiencing is normal coming from FS  pluss using a "small" joystick needs a bit of time getting used to.  For a good experience in terms of "feel" and training, I recommend a using a yoke and pedals like the CH hardware


Edited by Morten
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To piggyback on what Morten said, I was an FSX/P3D user and whenever I tried x-plane and I gave up as I had the same result you had.  I also have my PPL and so I knew what a real Cessna should feel like.   Well long story short, unless you build a yoke with the same amount of travel as a real one, it will NEVER 'feel' real.  It will always be a compromise. I hated the way the saitek, ch pro yokes feel in x-plane but in time, you will get used to it.  I have been in x-plane now for over 2yrs straight and now that I have a real control wheel with actual real amount of movement, X-Plane is the only way to go.     Keep adjusting your settings till it feels right to you.  It will never be perfect or real but you can get a happy medium.


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Dear Andrey.

I was also playing more than 10+ years on the Tu-154, and later that i became a real B737CL pilot.

Unfortunately i have the same experience with IXEG / XPLN, no matter what adjustments i've made, still it is way too sensitive in the pitch channel.

I've been using my friend's Saitek Yoke, now i am trying to find the proper equipment to buy for X-plane & IXEG 737 to have fun on week offs, if anyone has a suggestion for that proper equipment, in which he/she is completely certain, please advise :-)

All the best,


Edited by kertislagg
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I'm flying a Warthog with the curve set to ~60%. I feel X-Planes curves are too conservative,

DCS allows for a more progressive curve.

Depends on flying style too, I hardly use extreme stick movements (well, in DCS I do! B) )

Kertislagg, how much $$$ you want to spend? To me, plastic yokes (especially the Saitek)

are senseless. Too much wobble and little precision. For a good solid yoke I would estimate $600-$1500.

There are a few heavy duty force-feedback yokes out there (IRIS, Flight Illusion) or without FF (PFC).

In the lower price range, I think the Warthog gives most precision, even though its a yoke.

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Dear frumpy, thanks for Your reply.

I am willing to spend 600-1500USD to have the proper equipment, as in general i am very satisfied with XPLN flight dynamics compared to FS X versions...so i would like to get the most out of it.

Anyway, you are completely right regarding the Saitek...

Can You please suggest the 3 "best" products in your opinion for an Xplane + IXEG set up?

I've read so many threads about these products, but nowhere i could find a proper explanation or suggestion.




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Well, it depends on what you want to do :)

I think all 3 yokes I mentioned are very good. I forgot to name the Yoko-yoke (non FF).

I have never had any of these yokes, but used a PFC on an airshow-flightsim to shot an ILS

and was impressed by its haptics.

If money wouldn't matter, I'd probably go for a force-feedback yoke (IRIS or Flight Illusion)

and compare the user ratings / max. force / general impression.


As for pedals, I believe the MFG Crosswind are way to go.


Thrust levers... I don't know. I'm using a Saitek throttle. It's only plastic, but it works for me.


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3 hours ago, cmbaviator said:

Sorry to pop your balloon but that yoke is not even close to being able to replicate the amount of movement a real yoke has.  Look at how close the yoke is to box.   Nothing but a glorified and shined up CH yoke.  But to their credit, the add doesn't say travel like the real one.  The real yoke has a massive amount of movement to it.  

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Sorry to pop your balloon but that yoke is not even close to being able to replicate the amount of movement a real yoke has.  Look at how close the yoke is to box.   Nothing but a glorified and shined up CH yoke.  But to their credit, the add doesn't say travel like the real one.  The real yoke has a massive amount of movement to it.  

Ill contact them about the max deflection

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Sorry to pop your balloon but that yoke is not even close to being able to replicate the amount of movement a real yoke has.  Look at how close the yoke is to box.   Nothing but a glorified and shined up CH yoke.  But to their credit, the add doesn't say travel like the real one.  The real yoke has a massive amount of movement to it.  

Hello Camille,

B737 yoke desktop version information:

Travel distance is 82 degrees left and 82 right to be exact.

Elevator has approx 4 inches of travel.

Availability: Expected end february.

Best regards,

Julian Moyano

Flight Simulation Department

Pretty much spot on for the aileron, the real one is +-90 deg

A bit shy for the elevator though

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk

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