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SkyMaxx Pro 3.3 conflict with XSquawkbox?


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Hi Guys,

I (X-Plane for Mac, 2013 iMac with 4GB Memory, XP 10.50RC3) have been battling this problem for the last three weeks and am about to throw the setup out of the window... Have diligently updated the SkyMaxx and RWC updates to now avail .. and here's the kicker: this afternoon I flew without a hitch (and without VATSIM weather) for about an hour ... no crashes, wonderful frame rates. This evening I log in to VATSIM and ... poof ... XP crashes every time. It all ran fine (with VATSIM) this afternoon, now XP crashes the moment VATSIM is added to the mix (via XSqawkbox).

Now, I tried to install SkyMaxPro 3.3.1 this afternoon, but it refuses to install, telling me the file's corrupt, but this might be because I'm running Mac OS Sierra beta 8. Will contact X-Aviation tomorrow about that...

Help... :(

Here's my log.txt, which seems to point to XSqwakbox...


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9 hours ago, Cameron said:

Yes, our products are not compatible.

OK, thanks Cameron. I assume they will be someday, seeing as Mac OS Sierra is likely to be rolled out this week. Correct?

I (think) I can live with the installed SkyMax 3.3, which works fine with Sierra. Are there any ideas on the apparent VATSIM problem out there?

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5 hours ago, scubaguy said:

OK, thanks Cameron. I assume they will be someday, seeing as Mac OS Sierra is likely to be rolled out this week. Correct?

I (think) I can live with the installed SkyMax 3.3, which works fine with Sierra. Are there any ideas on the apparent VATSIM problem out there?

Your log indicates that your crash happened within the XSquawkBox plugin, not SMP. Make sure you have the latest XSB installed, and if not, I'd seek support from its authors first. 

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Thanks Sundog and, yes, I've seen that, too. However, the problem has only come up since the latest SMP updates. Never had any issues with XSB before that. I have a sneaking suspicion there's some conflict between VATSIM's weather and SMP, but them I'm no techie... The curious thing is that the crashes occur 15-20 seconds after I log into VATSIM via XSB ... and even more curious is that all worked without crashes during low usage times.

I'll start heading down the XSB route, too, to be sure, but would be curious to hear whether there are any more similar or same experiences to mine out there...

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Well, the thing is SMP / RWC makes no attempt to send any information to other weather systems; it only reads from them. So it's hard for me to envision a path where SMP could directly cause a problem in XSB. I could envision XSB causing a problem in SMP, but not the other way around. 

The data strongly suggests it's an issue internal to XSB. From what I've gathered, the XSB forum on VATSIM is the best place to get support for XSB: https://forums.vatsim.net/viewforum.php?f=109



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