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Weather not maching the map


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I have a problem with skymaxx and real weather connector.

The weather depicted is not corresponding at all the weather on the map of xplane (I have real weather on) (pls see pic 1 and 2)

Another thing that is happening is that the clouds would appear or disappear changing the weather in front of me in a blink of an eye.  And often it switches to the "uniform" weather panel by itself. (see pic 3 4 and 5 to see the weather is not matching and by the way, the clouds suddenly changed from pic 2 to the other pics and it changed from real weather to uniform by itself!)

Pic 2 was taken to see the map of the clouds (they should be quite far away, not right below me) depicted in pic 2

Pic 3 was taken to see the map of the clouds (no clouds in the map) depicted in pic 4 & 5

What is wrong? I use xp 10.50b7, and both skymaxx and real weather connector are updated and for RWC I have the option to avoid change of weather near me ON






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Plugins currently have no way of communicating cloud formations to X-Plane's internal weather map display. Both should be more or less similar as they should be based on the same METAR data, but they won't match up exactly as we interpret METAR in a different way.

We've talked to Laminar about some longer-term solutions for this, but for now it's something we have to live with I'm afraid.


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We don't do anything that would affect X-Plane's internal settings for weather, so I think that issue with things suddenly changing to "uniform" for no reason may actually be a bug in X-Plane. You should probably report it as part of the beta process.

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Hi thanks for reply.


I would like to know also about the fact that the clouds chjanged suddenly (I went from the clouds in pic 2 to the ones in pic 4 in a second. The visible weather around the aircraft shouldn't change suddenly according to the RWC, even if the metar gets updated...  Why did it happen? And it happens quite often, and this time I took screenshots...

Edited by malombroso
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Hi... sure! I will send you the log... the position didnt change cause I was flying and I took one picture and the second one just 10 or 20 seconds after cause the change of the clouds happened after a short time since I took the first picture to show that the depicted clouds were not maching the map. Then when after few seconds I noticed the sudden change of clouds I took another picture cause I had a "before" reference to show you... If that happens I will send you the log (but I dont know if I will be that lucky to have pictures of before and after the change like I was lucky to get this time!)

Thanks again for support...

I'm happy to enjoy your product :)







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