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  1. Hi spacedood, Unfortunately there are no additional layers which would be hidden. I found a workaround, so I'm good for now. Thank you for your help!
  2. Just finished the Southwest Airlines Silver One livery for the IXEG 733. Available for download from the x-plane.org forums. I will also upload to it to this forum for download. Any feedback is welcome! Best, Moritz http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/35555-ixeg-737-300-southwest-airlines-silver-one/
  3. I have a question regarding the Engine file: It seems I am missing part of the textures. The attached screenshots shows what I see when I open the file B733 PaintKitEng. Can anyone help? Thank you!
  4. I'm working on Southwest Silver One at the moment. Here's a WIP screenshot. Final touches on the fuselage pending, engines not touched at all yet. As a matter of fact, I'm having some issues with the engines file in the paintkit. It appears some layers are missing when working with GIMP. That's why for the screenshot I added the engines from the default Lufthansa livery. They will of course be completely redone with the paintkit once my issues are resolved.
  5. Cathay Pacific oneworld View File Cathay Pacific oneworld livery. Enjoy!! Please take a second to review this livery. I really appreciate your feedback. Thank you, Moritz / Cactus4 Submitter Cactus4 Submitted 01/10/2016 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  6. Version 1.0


    Cathay Pacific oneworld livery. Enjoy!! Please take a second to review this livery. I really appreciate your feedback. Thank you, Moritz / Cactus4
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