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A more dynamic x-plane world / parsing NOTAMS?


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Hi there,

i just read some NOTAMS for a particular airport and immediately asked myself,
why X-Plane is currently static regarding those kind of things. Is there a real chance
to do a plugin that is able to parse notams and:
* dynamically activate or deactivate navigational equitpment (VOR, NDBs, DMEs, ILS..)
* dynamically close a runway (putting a temporary marking/light on the runway or something like that)
* dynamically insert construction work(ers) on a runway
* dynamically insert cranes/antennas on certaing positions (lat/lon)
* ..

what do you guys think about that?
here´s a notam for a quick look temp.pdf


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Great idea, but the big problem would be parsing NOTAMs correctly. While METARs are well standarized in their form, NOTAMs are not so. Sure there are some standard abbrevations, but you could possibly redact NOTAM about runway closure in 10 different ways (words). Not to mention typos made by the person posting NOTAM...

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you are right.  RWY and especially TWY would be very very dificult.

But, at least the shutting down navigation equipment should be possible. Lets build a scenario:

You are inflight
- The plugin gathers a list of let say all (D)VORTACs in a 500nm vicinity (in X-Plane) in a list
- Lets assume, one of the itmes in vicinity is  DKB 117.80 VOR
- The script then parses the NOTAM (raw) file for the gathered VOR IDENTIFIER and FREQUENCY (DKB 117.80) in Line E)
- If there is a matching result, recheck whole line E for indicators like "OUT OF SERVICE" or similar..
- Retrieve from line B) and C) from when and until when the station is out of service (or maybe "PERM" from line D) which means permanent)
- If the current time is in between (B) and C), tell X-Plane (how?) to shutdown the respective VOR (see attached picture) and otherwise let it on/turn it back on.
Actually, this one should be pretty simple for a coder, what do you think?


A2419/16 NOTAMN
Q) EDGG/QNTAS/IV/BO /A /000/999/5001N00834E005
B) 1605120600 effective
C) 1605131600 ceased
D) 0600-1600
CREATED: 06 May 2016 13:33:00 

Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-11 um 14.24.51.png


Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-11 um 14.02.43.png

Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-11 um 14.03.04.png

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A quick update on this.
I just processed the AIDAP data which contain the NOTAMS that we need to parse.
I also reviewed the ICAO DOC 1826, which defines the NOTAMS format (codes, abbreviations) and all necessary specifications. The
NOTAM system is more standartized than initially expected.
It seems, there is a great chance that parsing the NOTAMS for what we need it, will work, since the Q)-line of the NOTAM is distinct and clear.
Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-14 um 13.04.48.png

(See here the Code for dealing with VOR´s in NOTMAS) Code: (Q)NTAS - hints to a VOR that is unserviceable. A massive part of the NOTAMS use this codes!

Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-14 um 12.40.44.png

Only based on the Q)code for an unserviceable VOR (QNTAS) and Completely withdrawn (QNTAW) and some filtering/parsing, i do get pretty motivating results:

Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-14 um 12.56.28.png

The herein found VOR stations needs to be compared with the X-Plane Navaids and finally,
the respective Navaid in X-Plane sould be failed (and maybe some hint given to the user).

We will most probably not get a 100% result, since the NOTAMS E-Line can be quite a mess (as @niebiski said).

Ben is aware of the fact that we need a dataref or something to inject those data, probably there
is going to be a way in order to get that in future.

It seems as if we could hang on to the subject. Essential technical requirements are met. At the points where
these do not yet exist, it seems as if they were quite feasible. An indication of impossibility did not exist previously.

Any support and ideas appreciated. You´ll be kept informed


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