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  1. Thanks for the quick reply! So, yeah, it's a 2GB card, so I'm sure it's a VRAM issue. Excluding X-Plane's VRAM requirements, what are your minimum specs for just SkyMaxx in the VRAM department? Thanks, Jim
  2. So, I've been successful using SkyMaxx v2 with little to no problems. Upgraded to v3, and every version usually crashes within 20 minutes. With v3.0 and v3.1.1, the crash was always Silverlining, however with v3.1.2, I can get it to crash within 10 minutes, and this time it says --=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: SkyMaxx Pro}==-- Not sure what has changed, but something sure has. Log file attached. Thanks. Log.txt Update: installed the latest Nvidia video drivers (364.72) and now X-Plane won't even start. Log2.txt
  3. Doesn't appear to be fixed.
  4. File Name: UrbanMaxx 3D V2 - Replacement Textures File Submitter: Aerospace File Submitted: 15 Oct 2015 File Category: Misc Scenery Resources X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10 **These files are for UrbanMaxx 3D V2 only! They will not work on any version prior to this release, including the freeware version.** http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/urbanmaxx-p-102.html Special thanks to John Spahn for his support and allowing me to upload these new textures for the community! These are replacement ground textures and terrain files to give UrbanMaxx 3D a more realistic suburban look. The textures come with custom night lighting and normal maps, and the terrain files are edited to remove the specular attributes that make the ground look like "plastic", as well as to keep the industrial textures from cross-merging together, which gives them a solid, consistent look. -INSTALLATION- 1) Unzip into a temp folder. You should have five (5) folders; "Screenshots", "terrain", "textures", "normals" and "urban". 2) Locate your UrbanMaxx install directory, which should be in your default X-Plane folder; ..\X-Plane\Custom Scenery\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\ 3) Move the contents of the following unzipped temporary folders into the matching installed X-Plane\UrbanMaxx folders and overwrite the existing files; - The contents of the "terrain" folder go in ...\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\terrain - The contents of the "textures" folder go in ...\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\textures - The contents of the "normals" folder go in ...\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\textures10\normals - The contents of the "urban" folder go in ...\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\textures\urban That's it! Start up X-Plane and enjoy some enhanced UrbanMaxx flying! Best, Aerospace Click here to download this file
  5. Version 1.0


    **These files are for UrbanMaxx 3D V2 only! They will not work on any version prior to this release, including the freeware version.** http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/urbanmaxx-p-102.html Special thanks to John Spahn for his support and allowing me to upload these new textures for the community! These are replacement ground textures and terrain files to give UrbanMaxx 3D a more realistic suburban look. The textures come with custom night lighting and normal maps, and the terrain files are edited to remove the specular attributes that make the ground look like "plastic", as well as to keep the industrial textures from cross-merging together, which gives them a solid, consistent look. -INSTALLATION- 1) Unzip into a temp folder. You should have five (5) folders; "Screenshots", "terrain", "textures", "normals" and "urban". 2) Locate your UrbanMaxx install directory, which should be in your default X-Plane folder; ..\X-Plane\Custom Scenery\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\ 3) Move the contents of the following unzipped temporary folders into the matching installed X-Plane\UrbanMaxx folders and overwrite the existing files; - The contents of the "terrain" folder go in ...\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\terrain - The contents of the "textures" folder go in ...\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\textures - The contents of the "normals" folder go in ...\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\textures10\normals - The contents of the "urban" folder go in ...\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\textures\urban That's it! Start up X-Plane and enjoy some enhanced UrbanMaxx flying! Best, Aerospace
  6. Aerospace


    I just found this. The first picture is amazing! Are you using Maxx FX? If so, what are your settings? Cheers, Jim
  7. Hey John, Ok, understood. Thanks for the quick reply! Cheers, Jim
  8. Greetings, So I downloaded the v2.1 update and can only say WOW! I cannot believe how much better it runs. I see absolutely NO frame rate hit with the new build. In fact, for me they outperform the stock clouds by 5-7 frames! One issue I'm having though, when I'm under a cloud shadow, it seems to darken all of my HDR lighting. My landing lights, both the flare and the effect on the ground are extremely muted. Also, the HDR lighting and lens flares from all other lights also seems to be squashed as well. I've included a picture for reference; Other than this, GREAT JOB!!! Cheers, Jim
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