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  1. Hi, From what I understood in Tom's previous posts on a similar "issue" and from my own experience using this bird, the direct to will make you go to the waypoint by intercepting the "line" "position twhen the direct was initiated" - "targeted waypoint". You can see a similar issue at KLAS, on the BOACH6 departure, runways 01. You will have the same kink instead of a "true" direct to. (A saw a topic on this not long ago) From what I remember Tom stated that this portion of the code needs tweaking, not sure though, could be working as designed since the beginning. Cheers, Jonathan
  2. Hi, If you still want to use an axis with your flap lever, I recommend you to check this nice little script : http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/30886-flap-axis-detent/ It will make sure you always select an actual possible flap value, so no more 0.000001% deployed flaps.
  3. Hi again, Here are the details I could find regaring my sound card : Hope this helps, and please let me know if you need anything else (but before the weekend ends, otherwise I'll be gone again :P) Jonathan
  4. Away from home for the whole week, so I can't give you much detail right now. It's a realtek audio card, I will give you the specifics as soon as I can.
  5. Tried with all other programs closed, did what you instructed, and no luck. I get the flashing light when leaving the altitude manually flying, but no sound to be heard. I didn't change anything on my x plane (no new plugin, etc...) since hotfix 2, which is the last time I was able to hear the alert. I'm running on windows, don't know if this could play any role in the problem. Hope this helps
  6. The missing callouts are back and work as expected. But no luck with altitude alert, the sound still appears to be missing. I can hear all the other alarm sounds (stall, overspeed) very distinctly, but the altitude alert never sounds. I flew the plane with AP off, AT on, and the altitude alert light did light up.
  7. I agree with you, selecting an approach and later changing it if necessary works nicely, I haven't encountered any bugs yet by doing so. And if I ever do, well, I know what to do.
  8. Hi, The problem is that you CAN select an arrival without an approach, and it will be added to the legs page correctly. The real inconsistency is that, unless you punch in an approach, the STAR transitions will simply be ignored. Here is a visual example, at KSFO, GOLDN6 arrival, with RBG transition. on the charts it looks like this : But if select the STAR and the transition without selecting the arrival, Then I should either get the full star + transition, or nothing at all, but not something in between, right ? As you can see, you only get the star, the transition is missing. It seems weird to me, as I said, you should either get the whole star + transition, or nothing at all. Cheers, Jonathan
  9. Hi again, Since the 3rd hotfix I can't hear the alt alert at all. I have the 2500ft-and-minimum-missing-callouts bug as well, so maybe related. Just wanted to let you know so you could have a look. I'm unfortunately away from my home computer, so I won't be able to do any troubleshooting. I'd love to have an alerts sounds slider as well, if possible. Just my 2 cents.
  10. So after some experimenting I think I found the perfect setup for those of you who have two throttle levers, see below : The knobs are all saitek (they came with the second lever). I just cut in half the big knob myself, as you can tell from the excellent craftsmanship. In order to get the flap lever to work, I use, as discussed above, this excellent script. The spoiler lever works "out of the box" (first time I see that in xplane). The big knobs are for engine 1 and 2, and the small ones for the reversers. In order to still get full power when pushed all the way forward (or all the way back for the reversers), I just recalibrated the axis in X-Plane. Works very very nicely. Jonathan
  11. Hi, Here is your answer : Jonathan
  12. Hi guys, I was able to recreate a previously reported bug MCP Speed and VNAV are both engaged at the same time. Here is a picture below : You can clearly see that the AT is in MCP Speed mode, while the speed window is blank, and both Vnav and Speed buttons are green. Both LNAV and VNAV were engaged, and I then pressed the Speed button. And I ended up in this situation. No other buttons pressed in the meantime. Moving on to the second issue I encountered, regarding the Lnav tracing. Usually when I come across a "sharp turn issue", lowering the speed by adding a fake restriction usually works to get a smooth path again. It was not the case here, so maybe it can help you to figure out what's going on. I was approaching from the GARSA waypoint, didn't try the other one. Navigraph 1605 rev 1. . Also quick question regarding the calculated rwy center line : is it, as the FIX page, based on "magnetic headings" ? Which would explain the discrepency between the waypoints (MILAR especially) and the centerline, the variation reported on the chart being 18° east. Jonathan GizmoLog.txt
  13. Hi, Same issue here. The sound plays for 2-3 seconds, and even if you release the switch quickly, it keeps playing for those 2-3 seconds.
  14. Well, Jan saw it coming... He expected some bug reports about that, and he was right ! Been troubleshooting X-Plane all day, so it's just the paranoïa kicking in I guess. Thanks, completely forgot about this video.
  15. Hi, Probably a dumb question, but I noticed several times during approaches that the trim wheel is moving by itself, even with the autopilot/authrottle off (only FD)... Is this normal ? Or is it a bug/axis conflict ? Thanks in advance, Jonathan
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