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    Likes cars, games, planes.

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  1. Press 'W' for the 3D cockpit then press 'Q' and 'E' for left and right. that is how i do it.
  2. Looks good. gonna get it first think when it comes out.
  3. Nothing more fun then X-plane 10...

  4. these days, on average plays are the 'starcraft and starcraft 2' series, diablo 3, GT5, and nothing more then X-Plane 10 not much time to play though.
  5. Looks Good! Keep the good work up.
  6. Really Wanna Download now but I have to find free timetable!! THANK YOU Michael Chang for creating this plane!
  7. Flown on: 777-200ER 777-300 A380 A319 A330 A350 747 767
  8. Have some rocks though Skies

  9. then i am looking forward to seeing the prototype of it when it is out.
  10. wish i had it in the first place...
  11. Sorry. Not 787 . Its the 777 300er ver
  12. this in one great stuff.. when it is able to be downloaded for x-plane?
  13. Hey Guys, should we start a new Boeing 787 Freeware on X-plane 10? I think that it should be a good idea to make it.... Tim
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