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Everything posted by Robert149

  1. that project is long dead, Im hoping xplane 11 will bring something new and fun to the table
  2. Development on this project seems to have vanished, I think you need to go to the Hawaii Photoreal site for info
  3. WOW polygonpusher ! I don't think anybody could have said that better and with such fairness to all! . What a guy !! I too like many fans of the norcal project have been watching and patiently waiting for over three years and even tho there has been no money exchanged it was a little harsh to be told we are owed nothing ! Like you I wish everyone on this project all the best on its completion ,but for now anyway I am going to move along as well ! Cheers to all !
  4. Wow ! Those images are amazing ! But what kind of computers are you guys using! I would imagine my 2011 imac would get about 1 frame per second or less ! I guess it time to upgrade again :-)
  5. Thanks for that tip Tony ! I will check it out !
  6. Does anybody know if there is any other photo scenery out there for xplane ? I have seen the UK scenery is that worth buying ?
  7. Thanks for that ! The post by Andy was great and helped me out ! Blue skies for the links my friend
  8. Ok thanks for your feed back guys that will help me on my final decision ! Appreciate you all taking your time to help me out !
  9. I am looking to get a new imac and I am not sure if getting the i7 prosessor vers the i5 is very important . The imac I am looking at has 3.2 GHz intel core i5 prossesor With two GB video memory. So my question is would there be a big differance in xplanes performance between the two prosessors ? Thanks in advance for any help.
  10. Trevg I think your going to love this LES DC 3 when its updated to 64 bit ! its beautifully done ! A bit pricey but well worth it ! Especially if its the first aircraft you flew in ! A must have for the hanger :-)
  11. Thanks for the quick response Goran . I will be looking for it . I love this awesome plane that you have created and look forward to flying this updated beauty !! Thanks again :-)
  12. Does any one know when / if LES is going to do and update fore their DC 3 making it 64 bit compadable?
  13. Hey there strider , there are a lot of us who have been waiting well over two years for this release so as frusterating as it is we can only be patient , and as far ad socal, well i am 63 years old and healthy but dont expect I will ever see that one !! But can always hope. :-)
  14. Wowee Zoweee, looks good !!
  15. Right Double click your mouse or track pad then move your mouse or finger ( on track pad ) in any direction you want to look . Also use the up down arrows to change field of view in this pan mode. Good luck !
  16. Thanks for that update Eric! All the best to you in getting your much anticipated norcal scenery completed!
  17. I third that comment Juggy! I also hate leaving realscenery Oahu! Even tho i have flown all over it a gazillion times, but it would be so great to fly to realscenery big island! We can always dream :-)
  18. That liverie is so close to the real world photo thats its really not worth any debate, its spliting hairs . BTW fantastic job Airbus! Really looking forward to flying this beauty over the upcoming Norcal scenery! How sweet life is :-)
  19. Thanks for the update Airbus!! Its looking pretty beautiful :-) and I will keep a look out for it!
  20. Ok i figured it out ! I was in the water using my xaviation Oahu scenery , there must be an incompadibility issue because when i went to the water on the Big Island or anywhere else there was no issue with the plane being stuck on the water. So no Heinz float plane near x aviation scenery :-(
  21. I tryed that ! No luck . The only thing that works is if I start at 600 plus ft altitude then land on water . From that point the plane can then move on water . Not so realistic :-(
  22. I am having trouble with a Heinz cessna 195 float plane . Not sure when this issure started but at startup its stuck on the water ! Does any one know if there is an anchor release . I have just updated all my Heinz planes for xplane 10 and this did not resolve the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  23. Thanks Eric for the update and the work in getting norcal out to all of us fans all the best to you and get some sleep too :-)
  24. When is this beauty going to be available . My carenado fleet has yet to be updated to 64 bit,so im ready to try something new..
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