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Everything posted by steve31000

  1. Sound as a pound. Sorry couldn't resist
  2. Wait...it's not April 1st. This is really disappointing.
  3. The 770 is actually a better buy than the 680 and costs less. There is a 4 gb version of it with better memory bus speeds than the 4gb or 2gb 680. It has the same type of memory speed as the 780. It's also 10% faster overall than the 680. It is essentially an upgraded 680. So given that it's less expensive and more powerful than the 680 makes the 4gb 770 a no brainer in my opinion. Better to go with new tech not old tech especially at a better price point. Also, if you decide, get the overclocked Gigabyte 4gb Windforce version of the card.
  4. Where is this airfield? I keep seeing it everywhere in screenshots but would love to know where it is and where I can get it (payware or freeware)?
  5. After taking a break from making videos for a while, I decided to make a quick video of the latest Carendo release. It's a great aircraft.... Cheers, Steve
  6. SImply stunning.When is it being released?
  7. I really wish they would release the beta for windows especially considering the windows version was released well before the Mac version. Hopefully it will happen soon.
  8. I made the mistake of believing the A320 Neo by Jar Design was 64 bit ready and purchased it last Sunday only to be disappointed. I can of course fly in 32 bit but miss the performance of 64 bit. I have to say that it is confusing to keep up with what is compatible and what is not. Roll on the end of this beta period so all of this can be cleared up.
  9. On several forums I have helped with recommending to users various freeware & payware add-ons so I had the idea to create a video review series to showcase, review and link to the fantastic freeware & payware that is being continously created for X-plane. I have made quite a lot of FSX videos in the past and even had Orbx use one of my videos to promote their scenery for Concrete so I am no stranger to FS video production. Personally, I believe in X-plane 10 as THE platform for simming and wish to promote it as such. To be honest, I think it really needs this kind of promotion to attract new users. It will also help advertise add-ons and generate some extra sales for X-aviation and others. Also for new comers, it should be a great resource for add-ons (linked to in the video description) that many probably don't know are available and should also attract quite a few new Laminar customers once they see the possibilities. Here is the first episode. I will go into more detail in future on the individual add-ons but this was just something to get started. Please suscribe as I will be doing regular episodes. I hope that it is okay to post this in the general discussion forum as my post is more about an idea rather than just the video. Cheers, Steve
  10. Wow! Is this a new add-on you are making for the seasons plug-in?
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