You are spot on Jeff, and that's the way I've been doing it.
We have all the numbers we need on the real POH, so I took a step further to automate the process.
In the end you can get fuel planning, route planning, winds and navlog with just a few clicks.
Here is my TBM900 PFPX profile gents: TBM (unzip to "...\PFPX Data\AircraftTypes")
Included, straight from the POH:
- 124 and 170 KIAS climb profiles
- MAX, NORM and LRC cruise all ISA variations
- 3 different descent profiles (1500ft/m, 2000ft/m and 2500ft/m) 230KIAS
Unfortunately "Kgs" only for the moment. I'm planning to do a "Lbs" profile in the future.
Consider a beta, I've not flight tested it yet.