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Everything posted by maub

  1. What's the complete path string at which you're putting the profile? I ask this because on my PC the PFPX folder structure for whatever reason changed during a past update. Now it's on the user "Documents" folder, like this: "C:\Users\USER\Documents\PFPX Data\AircraftTypes" You have to make sure you're putting the file on the correct one. PS.: I'm making some changes on the profile and a TBM900 template as well. Will try to finish later today.
  2. From the POH, the conversion is approximately 2.97 (of course this is variable, because one is weight an the other is volume, the density is at play here), that's what I've used for the PFPX profile I did. US Gal x 2.97 = Kgs Kgs / 2.97 = US Gal
  3. Profile updated, corrected some innacuracy with US Gal x Kgs conversion. Just redownload the file please. I'm flight testing right now and will upload to the download section as soon as it gets on "final version" kind of state. I'm getting some different numbers between the simulated aircraft and the POH figures, will try to match the profile.
  4. You are spot on Jeff, and that's the way I've been doing it. We have all the numbers we need on the real POH, so I took a step further to automate the process. In the end you can get fuel planning, route planning, winds and navlog with just a few clicks. Here is my TBM900 PFPX profile gents: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xz2cgmwy9o51rag/Socata TBM 900.zip?dl=0 (unzip to "...\PFPX Data\AircraftTypes") Included, straight from the POH: - 124 and 170 KIAS climb profiles - MAX, NORM and LRC cruise all ISA variations - 3 different descent profiles (1500ft/m, 2000ft/m and 2500ft/m) 230KIAS Unfortunately "Kgs" only for the moment. I'm planning to do a "Lbs" profile in the future. Consider a beta, I've not flight tested it yet.
  5. No promises, but I've started to work on a PFPX TBM900 profile. Don't know when and/or if I'm gonna be able to finish it though.
  6. Empty weight: 2070 kg (4564 lbs) MTOW: 3354 kg (7394 lbs) Would be nice to have a PFPX profile with 124 and 170 kias climb, and MAX, NORMAL and LONG RANGE cruise. The one that comes with PFPX (TBM850) doesn't have the long range cruise and the climb is 130 kias only. I've not tested this profile yet.
  7. maub

    PFD glitch?

    Hi gents, first I want to say thank you very much for the great product you have released. I'm totally in love with the TBM900! It's hands down one of the best flight sim addons out there! Congrats! Now, to my issue... It's hard to textually describe, so I've recorded a video. I might add that this only happens during low light conditions (dusk/night/dawn). Edit: Forgot to add my PC specs. I'm on a i7 2600K @4.3GHz, GTX1080ti (399.07 driver), Win10, latest version of X-Plane.
  8. Hey fscabral, amazing work with all these old time brazilian 737 classic operators! Thank you!
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