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Everything posted by MugHug

  1. Just attempted to install Maxx FX on my Windows PC. Used the latest installer downloaded from the store. Once I provided the installer my login credentials and clicked ok, I was informed by BitDefender that the installer was trying to send my password unencrypted. The action was blocked. Only by allowing an exception, was I able to complete installation. First time I have come across many on-line installer doing this with my credentials. Is this right?
  2. Thank you for the prompt reply. In light of your post, what is the 'unofficial' position on running the Cessna Corvalis TT in X-Plane 11? Is it a case of just not being tested under XP11 or are you aware of significate issues that prevent it operating under XP11? Regards
  3. Thank you for the prompt reply. Regards
  4. Developer, I notice that the most recent installer for this product (being version 1.4) clearly states that it is only for X-Plane 10. Does this mean that there are issues using this product under X-Plane 11? If it does have issues under X-Plane 11 will there be any compatibility patch released? Thank you.
  5. JGregory JGregory, Please, can you post any news on the progress of the 'update/new version' you mentioned in your post of 6/14/2017. Is this still going to happen? Has the work on the project been started and any timeframe on release to customers, etc.? Thank you.
  6. At least, it may be one way to confirm As far as the video cards, did you see this Nvidia FAQ http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1440150 related to the Mac Pro. Some good info. Regards,
  7. I found a little tool called Menu Meters really good to keep an eye on the CPU workload. It sits on the menu bar up top. Prefer it to Activity Meter. Have found it good to check the load of each core. http://www.ragingmenace.com Regards
  8. Lovely news on the 380
  9. So not just me. Considering who made the cockpit and in light of having two of his ACFs with 3D cockpits, I am surprised there is such a FPS hit. Wonder if it is the coding on Peters side? Regards
  10. Andy, Loved the video. Thanks
  11. Agree that from the technical side, he does some of the best stuff out there. Just try to warn people that some may consider the eye candy to be, for example not up to Carenado standard. If one can look beyond that and is or wishes to become a procedural flyer of what I suspect are the nearest that we have in X-Plane to the real thing, then consider Peter's Aircraft. I do not regret buying the A380 and actually feel it is potentially the best ACF in my hanger, if I ever master it. That is even with having the JARDeisgn a320neo, for example. Just not sure I would lay out so much again on one ACF/livery. Good news on the 64-bit. I rarely load up 32-bit X-Plane now, so it will be something nice to look forward to:) On the 3D cockpit of the 380, do you actually find a noticeable drop in FPS against the 2D? Regards
  12. Peter Hager's website 'Peters Aircraft' - http://petersuv.vs120062.hl-users.com I own the Airbus A380 with 3D cockpit and the older Airbus 340-600 with only 2D cockpit. From what I understand and find with my ACFs, none of his aircraft plugins are 64-bit and there is no timeline on his part to do so. It seems that older models use SASL, so maybe dropping in the generic 64-bit version would work, but I have done no testing. To be honest, even with using 64-bit X-Plane 95% of the time, I can wait for the chance that Peter upgrades to 64-bit plugins. Too many other nice aircraft that work in 64-bit The newer ACFs like the A380 and A320 seem to use custom plugins. So unless things change, all of he ACFs do not meet the requirements. Regards _____________ On a separate note: I was in a position recently on debating if to buy the A380 and I finally did. I imagine anyone else in the same position might find my experience helps to shine light on the matter. Being the most expensive ACF (currently) with a 3D cockpit, it is a lot of money for some to spend, even if they love Airbus ACFs The A380 (paid $80 for it) is really a procedural ACF and that is where the effort has been put. The exterior model is reasonable good but not up there with the best (the photos on the website seem to look better). It now has a 3rd party 3D cockpit made by Ramzzess for an extra fee. For approx. $80 I was able to get one ACF, Qantas colors and the 3D cockpit. Would I do it again? Not yet being a procedural flyer and not knowing how accurate his 380 is, I currently find it hard to justify to myself the money I spent. it does seem to fly realistically (this is from someone who has never sat in a pilots seat) compared to all the other big heavies I have owned. There is a certain quality there, that I have not defined yet. It sure does feel big and flies big Bottom line is that if you are expecting AAA looks like the Jetsteam, then you will be disappointed. The 3D cockpit by Ramzzess feels more like his older IL-96 the the SJ100 level of quality/finish. It does the job and does look nice, but not up with the best. I suspect the 380 flies pretty close to the real thing and to get the best out of it, you have to fly it like the real thing. Up to you and how you wish to spend your $80, but hopefully now you have an little bit more of an insight as to what to expect. Regards
  13. 'cesspool of tyranny' Please enlighten me, most interested to hear Maybe I suspect as to what you mean, but still interested to hear. Regards
  14. Well, that just put your products on my buying list Regards
  15. May seem like a dumb question, but are these products just photo scenery or can they be combined with airport/ scenery objects? Regards
  16. One of the main reasons I noticed it. With all the payware out there, it took time to realize this and I suspect I would have purchased it sooner. Advertisting it a bit more would not be a bad idea. Regards
  17. I have, so far been unable to confirm that. Not sure if it is good to advertist X-Plane.org, but that is where I normally see his items for sale. SimMarket do not list his items. Regards
  18. Jason Chandler's aircraft at AIR.C74.Net work fine under 64-bit as none of them depend on plugins. Grumman G21-A Goose Package and the Bombardier Challenger 300 Captain Edition by Ddenn Designs using the standard SASL 64-bit plugin. STMAs Husky, Beaver, Otter and Super Cub are now 64-bit. The Pilatus is still not fully 64-bit compatible. Regards
  19. Will an update to 64-bit be part of v1.4? Regards
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