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  1. Apple did not issue any updates for OSX yet AFAIK....
  2. AJ and others, maybe you are aware of that: Justplanes have quite a good program (both DVD and downloadable) on REX SF34.
  3. Lights off? - BTW I really enjoy your videos, AJ. I fly the Saab almost exclusively now, however I am still unable to make videos. I am sure I'll keep flying the Saab, at least until IXEG B737 is out.
  4. I never had Python or NOAA plugin installed, so that they are not the cause (at least in my case) for sure. Do you have the JARDesign a320neo? Do you experience the switching with this plane (see my response to John above)? Tried again today with the Saab and several stock planes - no switches. Will try again tomorrow with both a320neo and B757. Curious what I am about to see...
  5. John, thanks for looking into this and also for the upcoming 1.2 release addressing the pausing issue. The switching certainly is strange. None of my plugins (after removing XSB) does write or access the weather engine. The ONLY thing I can think of is the new panel in a320neo, which displays the METAR info for dep/dest airport. It seems it has to access weather somehow and (maybe) mess with the settings. As far as the 757 goes - no idea.
  6. I have just the Gizmo64, Silver lining (SMP), SASL, 757 plugin and XSB. Nothing else. I have removed the XSB and the problem was still there. I've made couple of test flights today (with stock Baron) and had no single occurrence of switching between real weather and uniform weather (XPX kept on real weather)! I've then realized, that I had these switches when flying either JARDesign a320neo V2 or FlightFactor B757. The issue is becoming even stranger... I do however still face long pauses while loading SMP graphics. I've tried to dial the setting a little lower (even that FPS are no issue in ver. 1.1). Pauses are shorter and less frequent, but still there. Had no problem with 1.0 version of SkyMAXX Pro.
  7. Hmm, I have removed XSquawkbox and the problem persists. I do not have NOAA or Python interface installed, so that neither of them is the cause in my case... When the switch to "set uniform weather" happens, I am unable to re-select "real weather" immediately, I need to wait about 30 seconds. Nevertheless "something" switches X-Plane back to "set uniform weather". Really strange.
  8. That might be it as I do have XSB installed (however I was not connected when having those issues). I'll try to remove the XSB and will see. Thank you.
  9. John, no, I do not.
  10. Looks like the cause for the pauses really is the constant switching. The thing is I did not experienced that before and the only change I've made was the update of SMP to ver 1.1. Also, I am not using any other weather plugin (such as the NOAA). Have you noticed anyone else with a similar problem? In any way, I'll try the investigate further and / or dump the prefs and see if that'll help. Thank you.
  11. John (and Cameron), first of all thank you for this great product, which totally changes X Plane experience. Great job and I do also confirm considerable performance increase with ver. 1.1 However I do have one (actually two) problems I did not have before. X Plane now keeps switching from real weather (which I use) to set uniform weather option by itself. The second problem (maybe connected with the first one) are short (1 - 3 seconds) freezes, probably caused by loading graphics during above mentioned switches. Both issues are quite annoying as you can imagine.
  12. Hi, wold you mind sharing your SkyMAXX settings? Thank you
  13. Superb news !!!
  14. Jan, I do NOT think you can fly IFR above FL95 (or in CAS) without certified B-RNAV capability. Try to pass such a flightplan via Eurocontrol...
  15. BRNAV (RNP5) certified instruments are required for any EATSRN enroute IFR in CAS (previously above FL95). So that yes, you would need INS or GPS (certified mounted, not a handheld one).
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