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Everything posted by NGC007

  1. Even a response as terse as that is better than no response at all, I suppose! At least you now know someone is checking the website every few weeks or so. Still none the wiser though. Think I'll stop checking myself now.
  2. This forum is awfully quiet lately. Compared to a few weeks ago when it was buzzing with regular news updates and anticipation, it's well . . um, quiet. Must be really busy I suppose. I hope.
  3. Keep up the good work, I guess the last mile is the longest.
  4. :)Any news guys? I guess your'e really busy finishing up (I hope). Any new pics/updates would be welcome.
  5. I'm not sure what to make of this post, feel as though this plane may be ready imminently or by the Summer or even any time up to four years! I must admit to a feeling of apprehension now. How about a statement informing us how far development has actually come and what's remains to be done. Not asking for dates you understand, just an update. Then if it looks like a few months or so away I will stop checking this site every day.
  6. Must you state the obvious.
  7. No one asked for dates. Some just sought an update as it has been a quiet period lately, relatively speaking. As a developer I would be concerned if people lost interest. There's no harm in keeping the interested parties in the loop even if it's just a one liner.
  8. Thanks for that. Just what the troops needed, a great video. Keeps us hanging on and what a cool feature which just adds to the sense of realism.
  9. Excellent vid! A good intro primer for the upcoming release. Could do with a new video on that too.
  10. All gone quite again. Any new pics for the weekend?
  11. Now we're talking. Need pics now and then to keep the interest boosted and attention wavering. They look fantastic and I am looking forward to this release more than any other since I began messing with flight sims thirty years ago! Clem
  12. How about a pic or two to keep us hanging on? Clem
  13. Agreed! Something simple and sleek for the occasional role of the corporate shuttle you find more and more of these jets performing. http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=1123433 Agreed again!
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