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Everything posted by NGC007

  1. I get the same problem and I too re-downloaded the update again, same problem. UPDATE Reduced the text size on windows desktop and was able to notice that the installer required mu username as well! Works fine now!
  2. Reminds me of Duke Nukem Forever. It took 12 years and when it was done they released it. Trouble was, the world had moved on and it flopped!
  3. CRJ is old news! What are you giving way to now?
  4. More coding and we're giving way to the CRJ EXPRESS. Giving way to the CRJ EXPRESS? More like giving up!
  5. More coding and we're giving way to the CRJ EXPRESS. Understood. Saab looks more fun though!
  6. Wow, just got back from working abroad (USA) and I thought this A/C would have been released long ago! At least that's the distinct impression I had when I left. What's up?
  7. Quiet here means the work is going on elsewhere; on things other than posts to keep you updated every second of the day... Who died and made you God! Take a chill pill and climb down of that high chair man.
  8. Unusually quiet now this forum. Let's hope it's just Easter.
  9. A release date!?
  10. You really need to get out more! No, seriously, you must!
  11. Thanks for the update. It does help you know.
  12. I knew it!
  13. Dear God, is this thing ever going to be ready!
  14. It's not done yet. It's got up to another month to go so while I am very pleased indeed this project is back on I wont hold my breath just yet. Wish he would have continued in secret and then announced the release when it was completely finished instead of almost ready. Still, I will be waiting, debit card in hand.
  15. Sounds good! Thanks.
  16. We need a paint job that looks worn and a bit tired, like all every 340 I have ever flown in or seen. It would be more lifelike and more convincing IMHO. But if this means holding up the release any longer then forget it. Plenty of time later, I suppose.
  17. Fantastic plane, can't wait! By the way, what is the scenery?
  18. I get it on mine. A real pain in the ass, gave up on the autopilot as it was driving me crazy. Apart from that it's a very nice plane indeed.
  19. At last! X-Plane is really stepping up. X-Plane always was superior to FSX (I used MSFS since the sublogic days in the early eighties) but FSX always struggled to to have a convincing flying experience like X-Plane and the flight models are, well, poor. If you can land a 747 on an aircraft carrier it takes all the realism out of it. However it does have an abundance of great looking aircraft which X-Plane lacks. No disrespect to some of the current developers. All that is about to change it seems. Looks like no one will have a reason not to buy X-Plane 10. Take as long as it takes I am certain it will be worth it.
  20. I guess Elvis isn't really dead after all, I was just checking.
  21. Quote "Thank you for that response. You have literally just given all the more reason to NOT provide you with more screenshots or videos at this time." You sound like a child throwing a tantrum! Grow up! All I was pointing out was . . , oh forget it. What's the point. Good luck with the project.
  22. Please explain the Drill! Is it the one where you release a load of enticing videos and stills and rapidly build up expectations. Then stonewall and expect all to sit back and wonder what all the vids were for? Take a look at this link for the upcoming Comet release. I don't know if this will even be released this year but at least I know why. How? By being in touch with the difficulties Guy faces in the news link. (http://www.dh-aircraft.co.uk/aircraft/DH-106/x-plane/index.html). I'm no fool, don't treat me like one, don't give me the drill!
  23. This forum is deader than Elvis! Give me something that encourages me to wait, anything.
  24. Thanks for the update and you have my sympathies concerning the weather. I agree that this thread is for news only and I'm sure that in the not too distant future it will be alive with good news.
  25. Everything getting a little silly on this thread now. I suggest you all step back and think a little about what your'e saying, which to me seems like hot air. I have observed this on other forums when a long time passes without any news, especially as expectations were raised so much so quickly and then nothing. We have no choice but to be patient and hope the result was worth it.
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