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Simmo W

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Everything posted by Simmo W

  1. Nice Cans Larry! Funny, the over-ears are so popular now, when before you'd never be seen dead with em. even though I've always had a pair for home use. Anyone who keeps the stock (say) Apple earphones really needs to try some better cans! They're awful. But my dog likes eating them.
  2. I like those buildings Chris!
  3. Very nice looking Peter!
  4. But in real life planes can go through buildings! How often do you do that by the way? Remember to use brakes upon touchdown. They're very helpful.
  5. Ha, and the iPhone 7 is gonna be insane!
  6. Whoops, forgot. Will it be 128 bit?
  7. Now you're talking! When is it due out???!!
  8. Thanks, but what, the footage of the fire brigade or XP/FSX/Pacman on full settings?
  9. Ha, good idea! Not funny if the fire brigade needs to turn up! Just lifted it out of the box, biggest top fan I've ever seen. A nice clear side panel. So I can show off? No one I know locally would know the difference between a GTX670 and a blanket.
  10. Nice card Cameron! The 70 was my sweetspot, plus sadly it seems that im developing a worrying pattern of replacing GPUs every 18 mths! Sounds promising. Doubt I'll be able to install my disks until Thursday damn.
  11. Nice badge Goran! Yeah, I'll enjoy this new setup for a few mths, before it becomes obsolete again. I wonder if it'll let me run xp10 with HDR & 50% clouds? I'll report bak, if I don't stuff up the SSD transfers!
  12. Not every day you buy a new PC. techno-porn!
  13. Yes, great predictions there Andy! Ha, the news said tonight that 'order had been returned to the world', with Oz now leading NZ :-) But NZ still punches way above its weight! By US population they should have hundreds of golds!
  14. Jan, not many can one-up Tom! Stunning. Picture's good too.
  15. Winter Olympics in Oz? Just as much chance as Whistler holding the Cricket World Cup!
  16. Ha, that's funny, the old Canadian apology complex! Gawd, Oz still has just the one Gold, NZ 3. I really hope you kiwis beat us, we need a kick up the pants. Ha, we should have just recruited Michael Phelps and sent him, alone, to beat our entire team's tally. Shouldn't joke really, they all work so hard and deserve all the congrats just to be there. Great to see Great Britain right up with the leaders. What's that, say $14,500,000,000 divided by 8, equals...hang on, my calculator just broke! Let's round it up, make it $2,000,000,000 a medal. Bloody good return, spiffing! Ouch, my thumb hurts from typing all those zeroes.
  17. Other than this forum going down the drain (Orgwars, again?), lets talk something else. Olympics. So far a disaster for Oz. Look at this, Even NZ is ahead of us! (at this minute..) Expected though, cutting sporting programs is already having its effect. I really miss Ben/ Indii being in this place as often as he used to. At least u Poms finally got a few Golds!
  18. Nice Tom. Now talk Nils & any other heli devs to add a damn big controllable searchlight to their craft and it'll be even more fun at night!
  19. Haha, deble post! Worth doing twece!
  20. Yes, heppy buthday Endy! actually haven't heard you for awhile, hope you haven't frozen over.
  21. Yes, heppy buthday Endy! actually haven't heard you for awhile, hope you haven't frozen over.
  22. Ok, a day shot. Roof colours now look much better. I gotta review the mix, as Chip picks up in his latest, OSM can push things alot! May exclude some autogen But its spectacular.
  23. Starting to replace the house roof textures with an eclectic NZ colour mix.Wow the CRJ looks great in 10 now! And still running pretty well @ 23fps in hdr for me. Not that I should be fixated by fps :-)</p>
  24. not windy? In melbourne, lots of shops use A-Frame street signs. They occasionally blow over. In Wellington, I quickly noticed NOT ONE SHOP had one, rather using an ingenious heavy rubber base with a floppy single sign board that just wobbled. In the wind.
  25. Haha, I just read my own post. I would like to clarify that I am saying the osm scenery is not perfect, not Wellington itself! Actually it's a gorgeous city, I could live there very easily. Would need to invest in a dozen good wind proof jackets though!
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