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Everything posted by Airbus

  1. Hey Woweezowee I just sent the update off to Cameron I was without power and internet for a while.
  2. Just took a look at it, there was a problem with the manipulator. Im using 9.55
  3. Have people gone crazy, who outside of the crazed MSFS community would pay for a panel? A 2d one at that! Thats because they don't. Thats the reason why people don't take X-Plane seriously. At least of us are working our asses off to show the right side of X-Plane. Its a shame, because the ugly stuff gets more talk.
  4. So far everything has been repaired. Ill add the extra features like the ADF,autopilot and other goodies in a later update.
  5. I'm not that sure with the update system. It may be an installer Cameron would have more info on how that would work.
  6. Thats the glow off the nave lights. I intentionally made it like that.
  7. Here is a a list of fixes that will be released in the next up date. Ill be on these things as soon as I walk in the door(currently stuck in a airport). Most of these should take only a few minutes to fix so, so the update will be released soon. Thanks for pointing these things out. FIXED: Windscreen has been fixed. Turn slip has been fixed. Turn indicator and artificial horizon added. Reverse carb heat fixed. The airframe over stressing issue Fixed Rpm rolling numbers replaced. Access ports under the wings improved. Nav lights fixed Reversed temp guage. Trim wheel fixed. Will look at: Wish list stuff: Opening doors, pilot, more liveries, and variants. Ill look into adding an adf. An autopilot will be added also.(Kind of out of panel space if I add the ADF)
  8. Thanks alot for the link woweezowee! Ill make sure to fix the structure overload in Planemaker!
  9. Hey Boshar Ill look into adding a ADF guage. The Reality G430 would be a nice integration. I dont know how it would be done but ill keep it in mind.
  10. I’ll take a further look at these forces when I'm back to my X-Plane computer. On my end the forces seemed right. I can make it easier to control by working with the engine side cant settings in plane maker. That should lessen the work load. Ill also play around with the access ports also maybe round them off and bring them back into the wings some. I'm glad you are still enjoying it. I'm enjoying the feedback it’s helping to make the addon much better. Are you using differential breaking to help control your direction? It’s a little like manufactures releasing a new line of products. Without customers feedback many manufactures would not have the status they have now. So keep the suggestions flowing its helping me learn quite a bit about making add on aircraft.
  11. Flaviossa even when the aircraft is at idle it should roll forward. When I took lessons in this plane my instructor made sure I had my toes cramed on the breaks. Remember its fixed pitch. Remember the forces acting on the plane that causes it to steer out of a straight path, Pfactor,engine torque and propwash just to name a few. Keep those in mind when taxing, I worked pretty hard on the ground handing. Many planes ive flown in xplane slide around not steer. And those round things under the wings are access ports.
  12. Ill get started on those eaglewing. I never ran across a c152 with a auto pilot . Ill add it for you. Keep an eye out ill be working on these things in the next few days.
  13. The Tachometer is on the far right of the panel in the 152. If you are looking for the rolling numbers, making those 3D is not working to well in xplane. A few others tried and cant get it either. So I'm going to make that 2D instead. Right now the label is on the panel1.png. Ill figure something out for you.
  14. I'm happy you like it. Just took a look at it and its reversed. Its added to the fix list.
  15. Hey YYZatcboy sorry about the problem with the store. I'm not a wizard with web coding. Cameron had to step out ill let him know when he gets back in. Thats weird, ill try on another computer.
  16. It looks to work fine on my end. Have you tried resetting your browser? Im using Chrome BTW
  17. Yes the xp10 updates will be free also.
  18. Yep Ill be working on the paint kit. It has two main parts FuseA for front and B for rear.
  19. Id love to know what you guys think of the Cessna so far. Any feedback is welcome to help improve your experience! Thanks for buying it I really hope you enjoy her! Have fun, Jason! ;D
  20. Its pretty much done! The manual is being worked on!
  21. Thanks guys. Manipulators, yep pretty much everything you need to fly the plane has manipulators. I plan to add more as I understand the system better!
  22. A few more days!!!!!
  23. Gona poke my head in here, take a look at the main gear doors(ALONE)! Grand parent boning all over the place! This 747 will be one badassed add on! http://www.airliners.net/photo/El-Al-Israel/Boeing-747-258B/1215049/L/&sid=92519ed64aee3362a1bd12246e10b2c8
  24. The interior is slowly coming to completion. Just have to texture the least few bits.
  25. Not a bad Simon. Should have a few designs up for a poll vote stay tuned. I'm glad you all like it so far. Thanks for the encouragement it means alot to me!!
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