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Everything posted by howardthepilot1999

  1. If only our 172s can look like this in Hong Kong Aviation Club
  2. Not today, but went out for a short flight with B-HIG last week Entering port shelter Bumpy ride out of tolo
  3. Cessna IG at new town Tolo Finals runway 11 full stop Shek Kong on Saturdays
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6yegNf2Q2Y It's so gloomy because of the camera not waking up properly (old CFI and new cameras doesn't mix well), but you can really see the weather clearing up as this is a timelapse at 15 fps. It was sort of a warm up flight, had 2 more flights that day.
  5. Haven't flew in Aviation Club for 2 weeks (nearly 3) already, so to practice for my upcoming recency check on B-HIG (Cessna 172N), I pulled out the very well made X-Hangar 172N for some practice VFR around Hong Kong. Flight plan: VHSK KDG NEW TOL PSH WAG LYM HBR GRI HKS REP PSH TOL FSG VHSK All abbreviations for local geographical reference points (VFR here in HK is much different) At Waglan! Kai Tak in sight, entering harbor area Entering Shek Kong from Fire Station Gap 2000 feet overhead join Turning for the overhead
  6. ahhh my home...
  7. First flight into the controlled zones of Hong Kong, in Hong Kong we have different controlled zones for general aviation aircraft operated under Hong Kong Aviation Club, here's some photos of the flight. Also was my first flight on the Cessna 172R, very easy to fly. Formation with another Cessna 172N when crossing Ma Wan Corridor, instructor credit for photo.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHsEJXX6ju8 Was an AMAZING flight yesterday
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  9. Was technically yesterday but had an awesome aerobatic flight on the newly acquired Extra 300LP of Hong Kong Aviation Club, registered as B-LUC
  10. Having a one minute silence and flag at half mast today at school for MH17
  11. They do, they have SA-9 and SA-11 SAM sites, they can destroy air targets of up to 25000 meters. Everything is in metric as the Russian military uses metric
  12. Flying over 310 is no use at the time. They were suspected of using either an SA-11, SA-17 or SA-20 SAM systems. They can track and destroy targets of up to 25000 meters. Multiply it by three and you get it to feet measurement.
  13. Since I earned my class A certificate in Australia on December of last year. I feel kind of lonely as there doesn't seem to be too many glider pilots in the community. So I wanted to ask, are there any glider pilots here? What did you solo in? Where did you fly? What are your goals for gliding? Myself, I soloed in a rather modest ASK-21. I flown in Camden Airfield with the Hong Kong air cadet corps as part of earning my glider wings. I would like to use my gliding certificate for joining competitions (hopefully flying in the WGC) and ales enjoying unpowered flight. What is your story?
  14. Gliders (got my license December of last year): ASK-21 flight model mod on the org somewhere (sorry, forgot but don't use the default one. CG seems off, glide ratio too high and control geometry is incorrect. I soloed on the ASK-21) ASG-29 by windsocks Discus 2C by someone on the org Nothing else for gliders, we really need quality gliders on x-plane, I see potential for development.
  15. 1. Anything by awall86 2. Anything by shade tree micro (payware and recognised by FAA) 3. Tecnam P92 by dmax3D 4. Cessna 172 by Jason chandler (use it for training) 5. Robinson R44 by Brett Sumpter 6. Cessna 182 by Jason chandler 7. Cessna 206H by Jason Chandler 8. Cessna 152 by Jacques Brault (old but accurate flight model which is more realistic than carenado) 9. Anything by skycycle (freeware developer on org, good flight models) 10. QPAC A320 I care mostly about general aviation singles as I like to use x-plane as a training tool for real flying.
  16. "Shine on you crazy diamond. You were caught in a crossfire, of childhood and stardom! Blow on a steel breeze!" - Pink Floyd

  17. See my post above, it explains my observations on the x737. I really hope this 737 would be able to nail the flight model to a point where it flies just like the real 737 simulator. At least for the 738 model.
  18. Just my opinion but I have around 10 hours of time in a 737-800 full flight simulator and I have to say the x737 handles way too lightly (real one needs near max up elevator to get the nose gear off the ground), it climbs too quickly (I managed to get 5000 ft/min but when I am training on the actual simulator I only get 3500-4000) and also the engines responds too quickly. The flight director bars move too slowly (real ones move quite quickly, sometimes too quickly), the autopilot corrects with too much of a jerk and also landing. On the full flight simulator (or the real 738 in that respect), I flare at around 4-4.5 degrees at the most (I do not suggest anyone to look on the pfd and aim for flare attitude) and it gives me a relatively smooth landing of less than -200 ft/min but on the x737 I do the same thing and I thump onto the ground with 300-400ft/min. On the actual simulator, if I flare at anything more than 4.5 degrees I start floating and even gaining altitude but on the x737 it still thumps onto the ground. It just doesn't nail it, I don't mean to offend anyone and I know they paid a lot of attention to detail but it really doesn't behave like that.
  19. Great news Michael, the x737 flight model is surprisingly light and it just feels inadequate for myself as a pilot in training in the 737-800 FFS. I can evaluate it for you when the time comes though. I am open for beta testing anytime.
  20. Will this aircraft be plugin run? Any SASL because I am having some issues with SASL lately.
  21. Tell me why can I fly this S92 properly from Hong Kong to Macau and back without crashing? No it is actually worth the money
  22. The S92 is hard to fly, it takes practice to perfect. In fact it is really realistic and the real S92 acts like that as well.
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