Just my opinion but I have around 10 hours of time in a 737-800 full flight simulator and I have to say the x737 handles way too lightly (real one needs near max up elevator to get the nose gear off the ground), it climbs too quickly (I managed to get 5000 ft/min but when I am training on the actual simulator I only get 3500-4000) and also the engines responds too quickly. The flight director bars move too slowly (real ones move quite quickly, sometimes too quickly), the autopilot corrects with too much of a jerk and also landing. On the full flight simulator (or the real 738 in that respect), I flare at around 4-4.5 degrees at the most (I do not suggest anyone to look on the pfd and aim for flare attitude) and it gives me a relatively smooth landing of less than -200 ft/min but on the x737 I do the same thing and I thump onto the ground with 300-400ft/min. On the actual simulator, if I flare at anything more than 4.5 degrees I start floating and even gaining altitude but on the x737 it still thumps onto the ground. It just doesn't nail it, I don't mean to offend anyone and I know they paid a lot of attention to detail but it really doesn't behave like that.