I beg to differ. When we continue to develop for X-Plane 9, the ever shrinking percentage of the community that stays with X-Plane 9 will continue to stay with X-Plane 9 because we're enabling them to. By enabling them to continue to stay with X-Plane 9, we're actually holding back the progression of X-Plane 10 by having to devote time to making X-Plane 9 compatible aircraft. The smartest developers, such as Flight factor, Jar Design, and SSG no longer develop for X-Plane 9 because they're devoting their time to developing for X-Plane 10 and look at what's happened; we now have the best 757-200 in the flight simulation world. As time goes on, computer technology advances further and further and higher power systems become readily available for everyday people like you and me. For example; I have a quad core computer than gets AMAZING framerates in X-Plane 10 and I only had to spend $600 on it. That was 2 years ago. The price for that same computer is now $400 from the same site I purchased mine from. I'm sorry, but the flight sim world won't wait for you to get a better computer and the sooner you realize that, the better. P.S. I spoke all of this in a posh British accent while typing it so I could feel smart.