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Peter Clark

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Everything posted by Peter Clark

  1. It doesn’t come up with a click spot “Call Hot Start FBO”?
  2. When first powering up there’s some blue text on the MCDU that shows the version, if you miss that what does your index/status page show under program?
  3. Hm, ok, that’s interesting. If you ignore it and keep loading, which version does the aircraft say it is? Did it install in the correct folder? Did it prompt you to uninstall the older version?
  4. In the MCDU or in the weight/balance page? I don’t believe the MCDU ZFW updates automatically, but as I understand it the actual weight should change after pax arrival if one were to look at the X-Plane w/b page before and after (although I must say I have not experimented with this to confirm one way or the other).
  5. Download the new installer from your x-aviation account. A new version was published this morning.
  6. Hi, Just something I noticed, the logs are being spammed with a 404 error trying to download the WAAS API data 2022-01-23 14:42:07 CL650[waas_api.c:205]: Failed to download WAAS API data: server responded with error 404 (Not Found) 2022-01-23 14:45:07 CL650[waas_api.c:205]: Failed to download WAAS API data: server responded with error 404 (Not Found)
  7. Nevermind.. was looking at the other screen,
  8. ATS fail is normal, it fails during the reverser check after engine start. You need to hit the ATS disconnect button on the thrust levers to get it to re arm.
  9. Ah, it’s on the CB panel by the captains feet. Never mind!
  10. I have this but its L window heat. I see the L windshield breaker on CBP-1 14 and 15 but 13 is the TAWS breaker and 12 isn’t populated. Any ideas how to reset it? TIA,
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