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Everything posted by Michael_Chang

  1. actually, those were screenshots originally, idk why they're small now
  2. unfortunately, ground spoilers aren't behaving, so we'll have to find a different way to do those
  3. I just finished adding a brand new feature to the 787's wing. See, when the 787 takes off, the inboard flaperon gets pulled up by heavy hydraulic pumps to prevent exhaust and vibration damage between 30 and 80 kts, then, at 80 kts, the flaperon gets lowered back down to match the flaps, and the plane continues like nothing ever happened. the 777 also has this feature in real life. X-Plane movie_787_2.mov
  4. another flight set i did today , 777 family (discontinued)
  5. kwow this thing is making double posts
  6. Took the 767-200ER PW4000 AL model out in XP 10, got some great performance overall, loved it <3 the 64 bit version seems to have improved quite a few things, very nice indeed <3
  7. Took the 767-200ER PW4000 AL model out in XP 10, got some great performance overall, loved it <3 the 64 bit version seems to have improved quite a few things, very nice indeed <3
  8. thanks anyway, just remember, typically, your responsiveness will be corelated to whether or not you have your Yaw Damper turned on. If you download the latest version here at x-pilot, you'll see that it actually has teh 767's OH panel as for the nav, you've actually pointed out a legitimate bug, i'll fix that soon
  9. I just imported the 787 into XP 10, and i'm posting this information, if you own the 767, you should expect a possible 5-10 frame decrease in rendering
  10. *for the record it's an older version of the 787, it has since been updated*
  11. As far as good videos go, this one is absolutely amazing! not just because they featured my 767 and 787, but also because of the amazing music choice, such an uplifting piece very fitting of x-plane
  12. well i couldn't take any larger photos, cuz my computer takes photos at a set resolution
  13. guys guys guys, let's keep this peaceful, I'm sure that peter will fix things, i'll help him when i don't have excessive ammounts of chemistry homework
  14. We'll actually be refraining from any new liveries for the time being, and will be waiting for Elanport to finish his textures for the plane
  15. strange.... that's actually a 767-300 non ER with winglets... i didn't think that existed... also, that would make this one's model name "AW" not BWL
  16. My entire 787 fleet it looks so nice with the anti-alias turned on
  17. My entire 787 fleet it looks so nice with the anti-alias turned on
  18. Speaking of AA, here's some full AA shots XD This is all the liveries that i've done so far
  19. Just updated the United airlines cabin, got the business class seats in and blocked out the whole thing to figure out space usage, here are the progress shots, after this, on the list, is to bake new floor textures and texture the seats and economy class chairs
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